chapter 11 {after the fight}

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    error and dream fought a while cross was still  protecting Nightmare and night and some of that stars already left except   dream of course but dream was tired and said 

Dream:" fine have them but I will be back"

and then he disappear Error felt relieved and looked at cross that was holding night and nightmare and also felt relief.

Nightmare's P.O.V 

I woke up and felt like I was in a grassy area and I heard a voice behind and turned around it was Night!?

Night:" you have finally woken up"

Nightmare:"where are we and why are we even doing here?!

Night:" you don't remember anything at all?"

Nightmare:" No, I only remembered someone fighting and i just blacked out and saw a moon and sun necklace?"

Night:" that necklace is an offering for you to become normal again"

Nightmare:" what do you mean normal"

Night:" yes we were knocked out before and eventually is here to offer a soul like mine and the two necklaces for you to become normal again"

Nightmare:" Your soul!? isn't there another way?

Night:"No I'm sorry Nightmare but this is your dream and only dream left for you to be normal again plus i wanted peace and find more friends rather than this world"

as Night said that Nightmare felt a little teary but he wanted to be normal and become the Boss he is again and he had no choice if he had said no he and Night are going to be stuck there for eternity. nightmare finally chose he wanted to go back and be with his "friends"

  Night felt happy to finally be peaceful in his own peaceful world as he wanted. as they waved goodbye Night Puts the moon necklace and the sun necklace in a holder as he was punished with eternity in the so-called world he wanted.

 a few hours later:> 

  I woke up with cold sweat all over my sweat and saw i was half naked {>\\\\<} I quickly dressed up and went to get my slippers and went out of the door and closed it behind me I was craving coffee so i went to get some. as I went there I found the crew and ran towards me 

 Killer:"Boss!!!!! You are awakeeee!

as he went and hugged my arm first and sobbed cutely

Nightmare:" can you like stop getting me wet from crying?!"

Error:"Boss! finally awake we were worried cause maybe you wouldn't wake"


Nightmare:" I dreamed something strange and peaceful finally but you guys woke me up from being too worried!"

Error:"...Boss you were asleep for 4 days.."

Nightmare:" you know i just was tired and a little weak for a bit but we should keep working for a bit and take breaks i guess by the way where the hell is horror?! he has been in his tale for almost a week!"

Horror:" I'm here I was here a day after dream was here"

Nightmare:" he was here? I didn't remember that "

Horror:" he was here must have been asleep so long you don't even remember it "

As everyone laughed I chuckled for a bit 

Nightmare:" now I was just about to get coffee and Killer you promised to make me coffee 4 cups of coffee and can you please stop hugging my arm?"

Killer:" Ah sorry boss I'm missed having you around for 4 days but i will make them asap!"

Nightmare:" great put them all in my office I will read some books while Everyone do your stuff and please don't make a mess

Everyone:" Yes boss!!"

End of P.O.V

as everyone left Nightmare went to his office waiting for his 4 cups of coffee and reading some books 


Killer:"Im here Boss!!!!"

Nightmare:" why did you take-"

Killer:"I know i was soo fast your coffee

Nightmare:"actually no It took like 30 minutes But ok i guess hopefully you didn't make a mess in the kitchen making this"

Killer:"hehehehehe Umm later about that can tell me the taste of the coffee

Nightmare:" taste pretty alright  nice job But that was you had to do now get out "

Killer:"{whisper} YesSs

Killer:" Ok Boss"

as killer was about to close the door behind him Nightmare said thank you he never heard him said that to him so killer blushed a little as walk away of Nightmare's door.


soooo Thank You sooooo much Cookies{pasta} For soo much of your support and for enjoying this story  I'm really sorry for not writing this much anymore i will I promise I was busy and my sister was busy doing her work on the computer so I couldn't write it as fast hopefully you understand but Again thank you soo Much!!!! im SOo HAPPY for reaching 1k readers hopefully you still like this story, stay safe always Everyone i will be writing more. if I have any ideas, I love you all!!                    

537 words I swear I had more words sorry everyone :< I'm getting blind and I have eye crust from writing this it's 11:22 in my country soo goodnight 💅💕😊

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