Chapter 10 {

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       Dream:"but-but Brother! your people is in danger-

Night:"What do you mean in danger that is your people not mine anymore! i controlled negativity cause i was born first that's what mother said but i guess she was wong ."

Dream;".......... Brother im sorry i had to do this "

as dream mumbled and night heard it and thought it was an ambush but no Dream cast an paralyzed spell on one of his arrow it wasn't painful but night felt very sleepy Error saw this and quickly said

Error:"CROSS! "

as Error said that Cross teleported and felt confused and quickly realized and said

Cross:"What The - Oh Right

Error:" cover me cross im gonna save Boss!"

As Cross nodded and Error Quickly TEleported fast as possible while Dream was packing up then went towards to Night

Error:"Don't Touch Him!

Dream:"Sorry But he is my brother!"

Then Error realized what he was about to do and then teleported and quickly grabbed night and Nightmare's soul and before a blink in the eye  dream was now  fighting with Error 

Dream:" Hey! I worked hard for this plan to finally work and you ruined it for me!"

Error:" Well I'm So Sorry it wasn't my fault you were gonna kidnapped Boss and his brother just to save your people!"

Dream:"My people is his people But i need him and the soul of Nightmare!"

As Dream said that Error Was angry and took the first move and was fighting dream Error asked Cross to protect night and nightmare while he was not looking so as Error said that dream launched an attack that can kill a 10 person per time but he forgot that Error was quick to dodge that attack

   Cross P.o.v

Cross:"☁️ I saw Error launch a huge attack with his power And looked back down and think that hopefully, Boss is alright with his brother Night but how can the stars this strong but anyways all i can do is protect Boss "

END of P.o.v


so so sorry Cookies/Pasta for not uploading that much this month I got sick so i wasn't uploading but Thank you sooooo much for soo many readers I'm really sorry that it is soo short but i  need to go and play with my best friend soo I have to write for you guys first because i was uploading so thank you, Cookie/Pasta, and stay healthy Byeeee

399 words shorter then slenderman because slenderman is probably 9 feet tall O_O

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