Chapter 37 PART 2

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Win had just gained momentum when a shout alerted the crowd in the square.


The hubbub grew louder as the general search for an obfuscated Bright.

"Stop everything!" the agitated voice insisted. "You can't do that!"

"Guard!" The Filipino prince shouted.

Win was confused. Lowering his gaze, he looked at a perplexed Mew who seemed to understand much less the situation.

The shout was getting closer and closer. It was there when that voice materialized with the body and face of a woman. An omega.

Behind her came Boom, whose face was covered with the unbearable sweat of a typical Bangkok day, combined with a good walk. However, the Beta kept a considerable distance away.

"Delilah, get out," the Filipino prince shouted in his alpha voice. The girl stopped dead in her tracks, lowering her head and showing her neck in respect. "Don't you dare take another step!"

The people around were not immune to the sound of the alpha's voice. Those few alphas who were there, who managed to keep their heads up, murmured, while those who refused to witness the spectacle were forced by the guard.

"Bright, you promised," Delilah said agitated as before. "You told me I could have Mew for myself. That you would kill Gulf when I got the child and let me live a long and full life with both of them."

>>> Why are you annihilating my future alpha?!" The omega cried while seeming to overcome the effect of the commanding voice.

"Shut up!" Bright shouted. Win sighed.

There seemed to be no end to this argument. Since he had been reunited with both of them, Win could not understand how Bright and Delilah had not torn each other's heads off between so many points on which they disagreed. Yet that was what their arrangement was all about: It had to be a win-win.

And while the boy agreed to execute the Thai prince, he understood Delilah's anger.

So, reluctantly, the alpha left the sword on the ground to go to the aid of his beloved. When he arrived he perched at his side as he watched the girl's face.

Delilah was crying her eyes out. The girl had her eyes fixed on Mew who was still bound by the guards' hands, even though the Thai did not return her gaze.

"Please, Bright. Take pity on me," the omega said more calmly. "Don't do it for them, do it for me. We're friends, remember?"

"Friends?" Bright quirked an eyebrow. "I could never be friends with a stupid omega. You're a lower rank than me, Delilah."

>>> I'm alpha, you're an omega. I am strong, you are weak. I am a leader and you are just a stupid sheeple. Do not be confused."

Delilah was stunned by the alpha's statement. While she knew Bright had no feelings for her, she thought of him as a partner: They had both decided to join forces to achieve their goals, and, on numerous occasions, the omega had gone above and beyond to help him.

Win did not take his eyes off the omega. However, there was little he could do for her in the face of Bright's blunt comment. He felt similarly and would not contradict his alpha just because of someone he didn't care for.

But one thing he could not let pass was the disrespect of the codes. Covenants are kept and are sacred, and that was more than clear to a military man.

"What are you doing here, Win? Kill Mew now!"

"I think Delilah has a point to consider."

"Don't start!" Bright was obfuscated. However, Win raised an eyebrow, hoping he would understand that he didn't expect any haughtiness from him. And, immediately, the boy let his guard down. "I'm sorry. What were you saying, dear?"

Win smiled: "That's better."

Then he said, "You had a deal and you must keep it, Bright."

"You're telling me not to execute Mew? He tried to escape! He deserves exemplary punishment."

Win rolled his eyes.

"I propose to exile him with Delilah. If you kill him it will be an easy punishment, but if you leave him alive in a place far away from his Kingdom, next to her and very well guarded, I assure you that he will suffer to the point where he will wish you had killed him."

>>> There is nothing worse for an alpha than to live next to an omega that is not his own."

Bright nodded slowly. That plan put forth by his alpha was beginning to appeal to his twisted brain, being an alternative to the spectacle he had imagined. But while those faded away the caesos thinking about the perfect places to send the alpha and the omega to exile, a black bird flew over the small meeting.

That bird flew high enough to go unnoticed, but also low enough to deposit a small pill in the middle.

And it didn't take long for more blackbirds to take over the small square, almost as if it were an invasion, and deposit pills all over the grounds. The people, alarmed by the number of birds and fearful of what the pills might contain, tried to run for cover.

The guard did not allow it, and they quickly regretted it when they noticed that those pills dispersed a smoke that, although it didn't seem toxic, clouded their vision.

The place became noisy, and chaos began to reign: Cries and screams for help could be heard all over the place. But it was short-lived, as attention began to focus on the group of people arriving on the scene.

There were not hundreds, nor thousands, but enough. A caravan that called the attention because their walk was almost musical, and they were led by a figure with wide and bulky hips, tall but not muscular, and whose legs were kilometers long.

Neither Bright, Win nor Delilah knew what to say. They remained motionless and wordless before the image they were seeing. The guard could not protect them as they were making sure that the village did not get out of control; the closest ones were holding Mew.

However, the intruders did not give them time to react to what they saw, as their leader immediately came to attention. He walked through the crowd and stood under the only ray of sunlight that allowed a good view of the face of the person who had caused the public chaos.

"Do you miss me?" he smiled.

Bright, Win, and Delilah looked at each other puzzled.

How was he...?! Why did he look like that?!

A ribbon decorated his neck as the fabric fell from it and draped down his body. His belly was exposed while shorts covered the lower part. He was barefoot, and his chocolate hue stood out more than before.

"I think, in this attire, I should introduce myself again, shouldn't I? I am Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong, a male omega descendant of the Moon Goddess and her son Abbak.

>>> And I am here to fight for my kingdom, for my people, and for the love of my life.

The Omega's Power (English Version) | MewGulf AUWhere stories live. Discover now