Chapter eleven

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The palace grew smaller as they advanced. The elegant car, covered in gold and other precious stones, was large enough for two people to rest inside, while outside it the servants were in charge of taking the prince and his –official– fiancé to the Chiang Mai villa.


Two weeks had passed since the King had notified them that the engagement was officially approved, and thus Gulf was to be upgraded from "Nobleman" to "Royal Fiance". Even though the news was fresh, and he didn't have a precious stone adorning his ring finger, the omega felt the weight of the word inside him.

He was no longer the simple omega whose family overprotected him or the one his father despised. He was now the future husband of the prince, who in turn would soon become King. Holy Moon Goddess...

"What will I be when we get married?" Gulf said suddenly, thinking aloud.

Mew, who was in front of him, cocked his head. "Do you mean your royal title?"

Timidly, Gulf shrugged his shoulders but nodded. Mew reached out to take her hand in his.

"Well, since it is something atypical and it would be the first time that something similar happens in our kingdom, we can play a little and come up with your own title."

Gulf nodded.

"Do you have an idea in mind?"

"No," the omega admitted, "can't I just continue to be Gulf?"

A soft laugh erupted from Mew. I like it when he laughs, the young man thought.

"I wish we could drop the formalities," the prince assured.

Inside, Gulf agreed with the alpha's comment. Until now, everything that concerned the palace seemed so bureaucratic to him. He did not understand how someone with the investigative and free spirit that seemed to be Mew could accept with such pleasure following so many formalities. At least I do it for him.

"But I'm afraid, with my father in charge and his entourage of Noblemen, it's next to impossible."

Gulf nodded. Despite not understanding many things, the omega knew that it was best for both him and his fiancé to go with the flow. To try to change anything else, considering his position, would be to tempt fate more than he has already done.

The Moon Goddess accompanied me that time...

"Although we can also follow the example of the Kingdom of Korea," said the boy, interrupting the omega's thoughts. "We can call you King Consort."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, two years ago Yin, the heir, married a male omega. It was a beautiful wedding that he fought for more than two years, but in the end, his family had no choice but to accept their union."

Gulf's eyes widened.

"Do you know another omega like me?!" the boy exclaimed. Mew gulped as he loosened his tie that matched the elegant suit he was wearing.

The alpha nodded.

"Mew!" exclaimed Gulf again, who was now pointing at the alpha. "You're so unfair! Why are you hiding such information from me!? Why didn't you tell me that when we were talking in the office?!"

The prince returned to take the hands of the omega whose colors had risen to his face. Inside him, Gulf could feel his heart beating wildly and he didn't know if it was because of the news that there was another like him out there or because of the repetitive touch of his alpha.

The Omega's Power (English Version) | MewGulf AUWhere stories live. Discover now