Chapter - 11

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I would never fall in love again until I found her ~ 🦋

"What!!! It's been 3 days and she hasn't messaged you yet!!" Hoseok exclaimed as I shushed him because he was so loud, that his voice might even reach Y/N's house

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"What!!! It's been 3 days and she hasn't messaged you yet!!" Hoseok exclaimed as I shushed him because he was so loud, that his voice might even reach Y/N's house.
"I guess.. My plan backfired then.." he said in a low voice after having a sip of his juice.
"What do you mean backfired!?? Will she never text me now!!?" I asked as panick rushed through me.

"I don't think he meant that" Namjoon said in between to calm me down.
"Now what do I do now?" I asked and sank on my couch as I saw both of them eating and looking at me, possibly thinking of the next idea..

"I've an idea" Hoseok rose after a while and we both looked at him in anticipation.
"Make her drunk and ask her what she feels, simple" he said and I was about to reply but Namjoon interrupted saying "Dont think it's a good idea"
"I feel the same" I said and we again started thinking

"Just leave it guys.." I sighed in defeat
"What do you mean?" Both of them asked simultaneously
"Just leave this... I will wait or I'm just gonna confess, That's it"
I finished and found both of them gawking at me..
"Are you serious!!?" Namjoon asked and I just shrugged.
"It's okay, if that's your decision" Hoseok said and we both agreed on this and after a while they left my house.

•  •  •

*Knock Knock*

No response.

*Knock Knock*

'She told she would be home today as it's Sunday' I thought to myself cuz it's been 5 minutes since I'm standing at her door with some food in my hands, as I thought we would have it together and later I'll confess to her but this girl here isn't opening the damn door.

After standing there for a while, I felt she isn't at home I turned back to leave but then I heard a noice coming from her house. As if someone has thrown a vase or something made of glass.

"Y/N" I whispered as I panicked if something has happened to her. I immediately put the password of her house which I once accidentally saw her typing and went inside.

"Y/N!" I shouted trying to find her. All the lights of the house were off. It was sunny outside but inside it's giving very depressing vibes.

I searched in the Living Room, Kitchen, Guest room but she was no where to be found, I took a deep breath.. panick rushing through me as I slowly went upstairs to her bedroom, luckily the door was open and I went inside.

After seeing the conditions of the Bedroom my heart broke.

The love of my life, My Y/N was curled up on the floor, her body shivering, surrounded by different types of medicines. Tears welled up in my eyes seeing her.

Butterfly 🦋 || Yoongi X Reader <3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang