Kids Again

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- 2010 -

A year.

It's time to make another new album.

We already finished our tour for the last one, so it's time to make a new one.

And we are more ready than ever.


It's been a hectic couple weeks with all of us starting to stress over new songs. Happens every time. Bill keeps on worrying that his songs aren't good enough, but let's be real here, Bill is one of the most talented people i know. He can also pull every look he tries. I don't get it. I wanna be like him.

"Sage! I'm home from my appointment!" Tom called. I forgot he even had one, i'm gonna be honest, i fell asleep waiting for him.

He wouldn't tell me what the appointment was for, he said he wanted it to be a surprise.

"I'm in our bedroom!" I yelled. The band also moved in with each other that way it would make our work easier. I love living with the band, without them i don't feel complete.

I heard the door open while i was on my laptop trying to figure out some guitar notes to match our new song and i felt arms wrap around me. I instantly felt warm, and i knew who it was.

"Hi, love." i felt Tom mumble into my hair. I could also feel him smiling, into my neck. He turned me around while still holding me and i was shocked.

"You like it?" he said with a smirk.

Oh. My. God.

He got rid of his dreads and got braids.

I can't breathe.

How does someone manage to be so hot.

I was stunned, and i think he noticed.

His smirk got wider and he started playing with his lip piercing, while looking me up and down.

"Tom." I said staring at him.

"Yeah?" He put his fingers through my belt loops, it's a thing him and I both love.

"I love it." His smile brightened as he leaned down to kiss me.

I instantly responded and rested my hands against his chest.

He had one of his hands on my waist and one on the back of my neck, playing with some of my hair. Also, he had came back into the house as it started raining.

He was wearing a white shirt.

I could see his abs through his wet shirt, and he knew i could see. He loved making me feel flustered, and he was good at it.

The simplest things could make me feel nervous and he figured out every single one.

Seeing him shirtless, him playing with his lip piercing, him smirking, eye contact, and that was only a few.

He pulled away and looked at me lovingly. He left a gentle kiss on my neck, and pulled me into Bill's room because he wanted to show his younger brother his new hair.

Tom getting excited was so adorable, he always has this smile on his face that made him look exactly like Bill.

The twins' have always looked alike in my eye. Yes, they have different styles, but their similarities overtake everything.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Tom knocking on Bill's door. I would be surprised if he was even up yet, but then i heard lazy footsteps walking towards the door.

The door was opened and we were met with Bill's face.

"It's too early you guys, why did you wake me up." Bill said with his eyes closed. "It's 3 in the afternoon Bill." I said dragging Tom into his room.

He was standing in front of a mirror and when his eyes set on Tom, i had never Bill smile so wide. "No way!" Bill said with just the same smile that Tom had worn only a few minutes earlier. I smiled when Bill came over and started asking Tom a bunch of questions.

They had such love for each other that you couldn't describe. They were best friends at heart, as Tom said, "The best gift of my life was 10 minutes after I was born."

They reminded me of the bond that Elias and I shared. Always protective of each other, never wanting harm or hurt to come to one another.

I stepped out of Bill's room to let the brothers have some time with each other. Since we've been so busy, it's like all of us have kept to ourselves.

When i walked downstairs, i was met with Georg and Gustav. "Sage! Hi!" they both said to me with a smile. "Hi guys! Are you hungry? I'm taking a break from writing to make some dinner. Any requests?" i said plopping down on the couch on my stomach.

"Oh, oh, can you make those chicken quesadillas please!?" Gustav shook me with a smile. "Is that what both of you want?" "Yea! Your food is always good, but we've all been wanting those chicken quesadillas!" Georg said while putting his guitar on the stand. "Alright, i'll get to it then!" i stated standing up.

A little while later while i was cooking the chicken i felt arms wrap around me for the second time that day. "I love when you cook." Tom said kissing my head and removed his arms. "Anything I can help with?" he asked while poking my sides. "If you want, you can make some drinks for us." i said turning to him. "I like your thinking."

Reminds me of when we were 15.

When i finished cooking 5 quesadillas, i had called for everyone to come eat. I heard three pairs of footsteps running towards me. I swear they are all children, but we all act like that.

They ran in with goofy smiles on their faces that could light up any room. "Thank you Sage!" They all shouted simultaneously. "I cook all of the time, you guys don't have to thank me." i said ruffling Georg's hair. "But we want to!" Bill said with a smile.

That night, we all had fun. We ate together, and forgot about stressing over our new album.

It felt like we were kids again.

We would throw food at each other, play fight, shout jokes throughout dinner, and do everything we used too. Every single one of us had a smile on our face, we were kids at heart.

Even if we grew up, we were still the same people that we used to be.

The same people that grew up together.

The same people who share a stage.

The same people who want what's best for each other.

We were Tokio Hotel.

Our band.

• • • • • • • • • •

A/N - Should this be the end of the book? I feel like it would be too short so i might do a couple more chapters, but i just wanted everyone's input. I'm also sorry for not updating yesterday! I had so much stuff to do, and it took up all of my time. Also, sorry for the late update! I feel asleep after school and slept for like forever. Thank you for over 800 reads! I can't believe it honestly. So, i hope you enjoy this chapter!
( Also, please don't be a silent reader! I take time to write these chapters so please vote if you can! Support makes me want to continue writing, but other than that, thank you!"

Our Band | Tom Kaulitz Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora