" i love you. "

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- 6 months later -

"Sage! We gotta go!" Gustav shouted at me.

Another interview. I feel like my life is slowly going on repeat.

Day after day, interviews, concerts, photo shoots and everything else.

I feel like i don't have time to be "me" anymore.

I love that our band is getting more recognition, but it's slowly starting to drain me. The amount of sleep i get decreases by the day, and i've started eating less.

The fan girls are getting to me. They keep saying stuff like i don't belong in the band because i'm a girl, or i don't deserve to be in the band because i'm not pretty enough for any of them.

Tom and the guys were always there to help me though. They always tell me not to listen, but it's hard.

I don't think anyone prepared me for the amount of hate i would receive. Or the amount of stress that i would be put through.

I was driven out of my thoughts when i heard knocking on my door.

"Come in!" i shouted trying to wipe a tear off my cheek that i had let fall.

"Sage?" It was Tom. I could see the concern in his eyes, and i hated it. I didn't want to worry anyone, i don't want anyone to have to worry or pity me.

He had seen me wipe the tear and before i could protest, i was already in his arms.

I felt safe.

"Sage, i know it's hard. But, please, talk to me. I want you to know that you have so many people looking out for you. I don't want you to bottle up your emotions, it's not healthy." his voice said while pulling away.

He looked at me and put both of his hands on my cheeks.

"Please. Talk to me."

"I'm sorry." i said giving him a saddened smile. "I didn't want anyone to worry. It's just all the stress is getting to me, and all of the girls saying i don't belong day after day is getting tiring."

"Sage, we have all known you for forever. You belong here. We are your home." he said kissing my head.

I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much, in such a passionate way. His eyes were full of love, and he was right. I did feel home.

They were my home.

When i was ready to go downstairs, he gave me the sweetest smile i had ever seen. He wanted to show me he cared.

He grabbed my hand gently and lead me downstairs. He would look back at me every so often and would squeeze my hand.

I seen Bill, Gustav and Georg, and they ran to give me a hug.

They knew i needed it.

I was at my breaking point, everyone else had already had theirs. We were all there for each other when we needed it most.

We all made a tradition once someone felt like they couldn't take it anymore.

We would write little notes on each others' arms that would motivate us to keep going.

It worked every time.

Everyone had already wrote their quotes on everyone's arms, now i only had Tom left.

I took my ink pen and wrote in minimalistic letters,

"i love you."

He looked at me with the most adorable smile. As if he was a kid who's mother had just let them pick out anything they wanted in a store.

I seen it again in his eyes. Love.

He picked me up in a hug and spun my around. All the guys had already went to the car with everything so it was just us.

Just us.

When he put my down, he gave me the gentlest kiss. He treated me like i was a piece of glass, and he never wanted it to break.

I kissed him back just as sweetly, and we pulled away with a smile.

Then, he took the ink pen out of my hand and wrote,

"i love you."

• • • • • • • • • •

A/N - Sorry for the short chapter! i have to finish a practice final that's due tomorrow and i haven't even started yet! This is just a filler chapter to show how much people can go through without others realizing. I just think that it isn't talked about enough. But, i hope you can be patient with me! I love you guys!
( check out my bill fic! 😉 )

Our Band | Tom Kaulitz Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora