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"Here we are!" the twins' step dad called out. I looked out the window to see lines of fans waiting to greet us as we walk in. I've never seen people so happy to see us before. All of our fans had bright smiles on their faces, had our posters in their hands with markers to sign and were screaming all of our names.

As we got out of the car, the cheering intensified. People were shoving our posters in our faces for us to sign, but we didn't have enough time to sign all of them. For the posters that i signed i had never thought i could make someone so happy. All because of a signature.

I still waved at everyone when we were getting pushed forward and tried to greet everyone before we were escorted inside the building.

We were taken to a room for everyone just to wait for the interview to start, and to get our microphones.

After we had some snacks and messed around we got called to the stage. As we walked on, i seen all the same fans from earlier and the whole feeling felt surreal. All these people came to this interview just to listen to us.

As we were sitting down the interviewer was trying to calm everyone so we could start the interview. "All right folks! Here we have the new hit band and teenage heart throbs of Germany! Everyone welcome Tokio Hotel!!!!" As the interviewer said that everyone clapped and cheered.

"Now, i understand that you all are the new teenage faces that everyone knows in Germany. But, we want to know more about you and how the band came together! So, first, introduce yourselves!" I couldn't believe this was happening, we were actually getting interviewed! "My name is Bill Kaulitz, and I am the singer!" "My name is Gustav Scäfer, and i am the drummer!" "My name is Georg Listing, and i am the bassist!" "My name is Sage Klein, and i am one of the guitarists!" "My name is Tom Kaulitz, Bill's twin brother, and i am also one of the guitarists!"

We all got tons of cheers! Tom had a little more than some of us though. He's already popular with the girls, no surprise there. But I can understand their thoughts and reasoning.

"Perfect! Now, this is a question for all of you! All of you can answer this i'm sure!" The interviewer said with a smile. "Okay! The question is ... "How did your band form?" Like how did you all come up with the idea of becoming a band?" All of our faces lit up instantly.

Bill answered first, "Well me and Tom had always been interested in playing instruments and just music in general! We had always wanted to make songs but we just didn't have enough people. Then, we met Sage!" "So, you and Tom have always been interested in making music but it really sparked when you met Sage?"

The next thing I heard was Tom speaking beside me, "Yes! Me and a Bill had always loved music, and one day we had helped Sage with some bullies and that's when we met her! We had invited her over our house the next day and found out that she played guitar! So we just asked her if she wanted to be in our band and she said yes!" I had a smile on my face the whole time Bill and Tom were talking.

"That is amazing! Sage can you tell us what that whole experience was like?" I started speaking with a smile on my face, "Honestly, i never expected to ever be in a band! I had always loved playing the guitar, but i never thought I would go anywhere with it. But when i met Bill and Tom, I had instantly became friends with them and happily excepted their offer to play with them!"

"It sounds like you all have a very tight relationship with each other! But, let's ask Gustav and Georg the same question! I know Georg is 3 years older and Gustav is 1 year older! So, everyone is wondering how you guys met them two!" Georg started speaking first.

"I had actually ran into Sage in a guitar shop! That's where I was working at the time, and she said her and her friends were trying to start a band so she needed a new guitar. I helped her out and she bought this really nice dark purple electric guitar. I told her i was a bassist, and she said that's one of the things her band was looking for. So, she invited me to come play with them after school the next day and that's how i joined the band!" Georg finished with a smile and slight laugh.

"Sage you are just the talk of the interview today!" a lot of people laughed at that when the interviewer said that. "Now, Gustav! Can you tell us your story on how you joined the band?"

"Of course! I had made friends with Georg after running into him at school one day! We would normally just talk about casual things when music got brought up. I told him i took lessons on the drums just to not get rusty, and his face lit up. He called Bill, Tom and Sage over then. I didn't know them at the time but they looked like nice people. Georg had told me that he was in a band with them and they need a drummer to complete the band! So, after they had all explained to me what they did after school and how they wrote their songs I instantly agreed!"

"That is just perfect! Well, there it is, ladies and gentlemen! The founding of Tokio Hotel!" the audience erupted with cheers and we all looked at each other with smiles on our faces. We had made it.

The interview went on for quite some time, and we had just answered some questions that the fans had been dying to know. Some of the questions were a little personal, but what can you expect? Once your well-known everyone wants to know every little detail about your life.


After the interview was over we had all went back to the twins' house. I mean we all basically lived there at this point.

We all had went and watched the interview over and we were all happy with it. "See Sage! You had nothing to worry about! Everyone loved you!" Tom said as he put his arm around me. "Yeah, yeah. I'm just not used to all the attention." I replied with a laugh.

Our night had ended with all of us on the couch watching a movie with food and snacks everywhere. But that was okay, we were all happy.

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A/N - first interview is done! i will probably to a time skip after this just to get the story moving! I hope it's not too boring!

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