The Meaning Behind It All

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(before i start writing, should i write a bill story too?)

This music video was going to be different. It was going to have a meaning behind it. One that isn't so secret to all of us in the band.

Since our song is called "Don't Jump" we decided to match the theme of the lyrics to the video.

It had a deep meaning that was important to all of us, because we knew each others stories.


As the production crew was getting the set ready, we all went to get dressed. Bill had two separate outfits since he would be in two different parts of the video. If that makes sense.

Georg, Tom, Gustav and I, all had one outfit because we would be in the unground car lot thing playing our instruments.

I don't think i've ever seen Bill be so excited to produce a video. Normally, we are all tired from moving from place to place and having to play/sing non-stop.

"Bill, how are you so energetic?" Tom asked yawning. "It's only 9. You go to bed later than this every night when you and Sage talk the night away! Plus, we still have a lot to do!"As Bill said that, Tom looked away quickly. I could be imagining things, but i thought i saw a little faint bit if blush graze across his cheeks.

"Well, if we have lots to do, then let's do this!" I laughed holding Bill's microphone towards him.

~ 2 hours later ~

Since we had to film the music video at night i was exhausted. We had to wait until 6 pm to start and it was currently 11 pm. Currently, all of us were holding strong, with a little yawning here and there.

Then, Bill had to run up like four flights of stairs. His face was funny when he heard that he had to do that, then he started to get sassy. Personally, I think sassy Bill is the best. He always makes these facial expressions that make me laugh.

After Bill unwillingly ran up four flights of stairs, it was time to end for the day. Our manager and the production crew said we would come back tomorrow though. That didn't bother me. I quite like filming, it's fun, even if it's tiring.

We always have such a good time, whether it's making stupid jokes, chasing each other around, or stealing each others' things. It's always the best.

Our Band has such a close bond, i don't think anyone has anything like it.

Before we left we had to get a good game of "Tag" in, everyone knows that. It's what we do every night after filming.

We played "rock, paper, scissors" to see who was "it" and Georg was the unlucky one this time. We have a set of rules for "Tag". Tokio Hotel style.

Whoever is "it" has to go into a separate room for 20 seconds, and then they are allowed to be let out. As soon as they are let out of the room, they call out and we have to answer. It's kind of like "Hide and Seek" and "Marco Polo" mixed together. But, whenever you get tagged you have to do whatever the person says you have to do before you can resume playing. So, basically it's "Hide and Seek", "Marco Polo", and "Truth or Dare" at the same time.

"Alright! I'm gonna go in the dressing room! You guys go!" Georg shouted. The best part about our version of the game is the anticipation for it to start. The moment i had heard the door open i stayed quiet, i tried to not breathe but, you know, that didn't work out too well.

"You know the rules!" i heard Georg shout and he didn't seem too far away. "Over here!" Bill shouted while laughing. "Yoo-hoo!" That was Gustav. "Yo!" Tom shouted, typical. "Right here!" I called.

I heard footsteps instantly in my direction, and i went to run but got stopped with someone pinning me against the wall. I thought it was Georg so i was disappointed to find out that i had gotten tagged so fast. "Be quiet!" they whispered. That wasn't Georg, but it was Tom.

I was too busy thinking about the situation i was in, when i heard footsteps drift past where we were. Then i hear Bill yell, "Shit! I had a good spot!" Now, Bill was it.

When i looked back in front of me i seen Tom's eyes piercing into mine. His hand was still covering my mouth and his other hand was on my waist. Once, i nodded to him he removed his hand. Once he did i whispered, "What are you doing?" "Well, i went to run and then i seen you so i just decided to hide with you. I knew you'd get scared so i had to do that." Tom stated never breaking eye contact.

He knew eye contact made me nervous, he also never took his hand off of my waist. I was internally freaking out, but i couldn't let him know that. "You could've hid anywhere else, but you chose here?" i whispered with sarcasm, returning the eye contact after i had heard Bill running around.

"Maybe..." he said while playing with his lip piercing while looking behind him to see if anyone was coming. I noticed he still had a hand on my waist and one hand was over my head on the wall. The fact we were so close made my face turn blood red, i was hoping he didn't notice since we were in a dimly lit spot.

When we heard Bill's footsteps nearing, he pressed me to the wall even more, which i didn't know if the was possible. Bill ran straight past us, just as Georg had.

He smirked when Bill ran past us and i almost folded. I didn't know why i was acting like this, but him doing this made me feel butterflies. I think he knew it too.

We had been keeping eye contact for what felt like forever, until we heard Gustav. "Cmon guys! It's time to go!" Tom stared into my eyes and started to back away, but not before he took a quick glance at my lips and winked.

Once i had gained my composure, i walked back to grab my guitar and get into the car. When i noticed Tom kept staring at me. When i made eye contact with him, he started playing with his lip piercing and then looked away quickly. Did he just blush again?

We had all gotten in the car and i was sitting next to Tom. I could feel him staring at me and start shuffling around to get comfortable, and what a coincidence, his knee started touching my leg. I looked at him and he was smirking. Whenever i looked away, i noticed out of the corner of my eye, he kept looking me up and down.

I can't do this. I keep trying to keep my cool but i can feel it slowly slipping away.

"Okay! We're home! Go shower and hit the hay, we are filming again tomorrow!" I heard their step-dad say. Thank God. I thought i was going to die from the butterflies in my stomach.

I got out of the car with Tom behind me. I felt his hand on the small of my back as if he was leading me inside.

We got inside and we all went and showered and soon it was time for bed. As i was laying down, i kept thinking about what had happened between me and Tom today. I could feel him staring at me, so i looked at him.

He smiled sweetly at me and said "Goodnight, Sage." "Goodnight, Tom." i responded with the same smile he has given me.

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A/N - AGHHHH. This chapter is making me go crazy! I hope all of you all liked this! This is the longest chapter i've wrote by far! Could be looking at 1-2 more chapters today!!! Also let me know your opinion on if i should start a Bill Kaulitz story!!! I love you guys! Thank you!

Our Band | Tom Kaulitz حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن