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We had arrived at the photo shoot just in time. "Told you we weren't gonna be late." "Oh shut up Sage" Bill said as he hit me upside the head. We all hopped out of the car and hurried to get our instruments because we all still had to get ready.

"Sage!" "No, i'm not carrying your guitar again Tom!" "What?! I wasn't gonna ask that!" Tom stated while his voice got quieter with every word "Mhm, sure." I said hurrying to the the front doors of the building. "That's the spirit I like Sage! Can't you boys keep up with her?" their step-dad yelled

We all eventually made it into the building and got escorted into our rooms to get ready with stylists. "Hi! My name is Samantha but you can call me Sam! I'll be your stylist for today! Do you have anything certain in mind?" I like this person already. "Umm, this is my first time at a photo shoot so i'm not entirely sure." "That is perfectly okay! I think they are wanted corresponding outfits for all of you that look somewhat similar, but in your own style! Do you have your guitar?" "Yes! I brought my favorite one!" I said as i pulled out my guitar from its case. It's a deep purple with some stickers and has "Tokio Hotel" engraved behind the strings.

"That's awesome! I love the color and I think I have just the thing!" After I put my outfit on she started doing my makeup, but she wouldn't let me look. Not even a peak! I was so excited to see what I looked like because i've never done this before. When she finally finished my makeup after what felt like forever, she stared at me in awe.

"This is probably one of my best looks i've ever done!" she said looking at me. I stood there as she made any final touches to my hair and added jewelry to complete everything. "Perfect! Take a look!"

As i turned around i didn't even know if that was me in the mirror. I stood in awe as i took in all of the details she had somehow made possible. I had on a black band t-shirt with a deep purple leather jacket, some low rise jeans, and black converse. My hair was done in loose waves that looked surprisingly good, and my nose piercing was changed from my normal silver to black. You couldn't even tell I was wearing makeup and that was just the way I liked it.

"Well, what do you think?!" Sam said with a smile on her face. I turned around and I yelled, "I LOVE IT! Thank you so much, Sam!" "You're welcome kid! Now get out there for the camera!" she said patting my back. I couldn't contain my excitement anymore as I saw the cameras and everyone else.

Everyone looked at each other in pure amazement as we had never seen each other like this before. I mean sure we produced music videos but we didn't have outfits as good as these.

Bill had on a black band t-shirt like mine but paired with a black leather jacket and black jeans. Tom was wearing his usual baggy t-shirt and baggy jeans, along with a hat that had to be cut to fit his dreads into. Georg was wearing just a plain t-shirt with jeans that were a little baggy but nothing compared to Tom's. Gustav had on a band t-shirt and his usual jeans with gym shoes, paired with a hat.

None of said anything as we all seen what we wear we're wearing because of our shock. "Are we ready?" the photographer said. Taking us all by surprise, we jumped, but soon we all got out composure together. "Yes, we are sir!" Bill said with a smile. "Great! First what we are going to do is get group pictures, then singles! Can everyone grab their instruments and we can start!"

As we all ran to get our instruments and everyone had a smile on our face. I took a look at everyone with a smile on my own face and noticed how happy everyone looked. I made sure that i would remember this moment cause this would be the first out of many.

"Alright everyone let's do this!" the photographer shouted after he had placed us how he wanted. Bill was in the front with a microphone, Tom, Georg and I were placed in the middle with our guitars, and Gustav was in the back with his drums because he had the biggest instrument.

"Perfect!" the photographer stated after he took plenty of pictures of us. Soon after that we all got singles. The twins also got some pictures together, and me, Tom and Georg all got one because we play the same thing. I thought the colors of our guitars looked amazing together. Since I had a deep purple guitar it went well with Tom's white guitar and Georg's black guitar.

They said we would get the pictures soon, along with all the posters, and covers for everything. Let's just say when we seen a draft of the pictures we were stunned with how they turned out. That wasn't even the final product either.

We all went and packed up everything and the stylists surprised us with letting us keep the outfits. Since I didn't know if I would ever see Sam again, I told her thank you and bid her goodbye with a hug.

Everyone met up outside with all of their things after thanking everyone and we couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces. Their mother looked thrilled when she picked us up! She said we had all looked great when we showed her a draft that they had let us keep.

We all went back to the place we had previously stayed the night before, which was the twins' house, and had a celebratory dinner with everyone. I know this, for sure, will be a day we will remember.

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A/N - I'm proud of myself considering this chapter had over 1000 words and felt like it took forever to write. Please leave feedback if you notice mistakes or have any tips!! Thank you all!

Our Band | Tom Kaulitz Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum