Babymakers (lemon)

Start from the beginning

Hatsume then gasped as she placed her hands on her belly.

"Yes! You just made me ovulate!" she cried out, to Izuku's surprise. Things were happening a lot faster then with the others. It was almost like Hatsume's desire to be knocked up was stimulating his quirk.

"Yes! Do it again! Make me ovulate more! Fill me to bursting!" Hatsume ordered as she gripped the bed frame above her and used it to pull and push up and down with more force and speed.

Izuku felt desire and pleasure overwhelmed him as his quirk flared up and his limited control of it slipped.

Hatsume then cried out with pleasure as she ovulated a second time.

"YES! AGAIN! DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP!" she screamed and began periodically crying out in both climax and ovulation. Izuku couldn't tell which was which as she continued to pound him into the mattress and cause it to shake and groan as it banged against the wall and nightstand.

Izuku grunted as he pulled against his restraints. Hatsume was the least tight out of the girls Izuku'd had so far, but it was no less pleasurable, especially with the sight before him and the words coming out of her mouth, playing to his quirk induced fetish. But there was just one problem as Hatsume continued to ride him towards yet another Orgasm.

He wasn't able to finish.

Hatsume had succeeded in her desire to torture him with pleasure, but unknowingly condemned herself to the same punishment, as even she was starting to get impatient with Izuku's lack of release.

Izuku clenched his eyes shut as he strained against his bindings. There was no guarantee that Hatsume would comprehend his words in her current state, so he needed to free himself or this might not end well.

He couldn't use 100% without hurting Hatsume and possibly the girls in the other room. But One For All wasn't his only quirk anymore, and he struggled to reach his index finger to a particular spot on his bindings.

Meanwhile, Hatsume's bounces became all the more desperate as she still felt the lack of Izuku's seed in her babymaker. Her plan had backfired spectacularly and now she was once again the one subject to torture by desire. By that thing just out of reach.

She was so lost in need and desperation that she didn't hear the clicking sound of Izuku's restaurants falling off.

She WAS pulled from her delirium by Izuku's strong arms grabbing her and she yelled as they suddenly switched positions.

Hatsume gradually came back to her senses and blinked with surprise at Izuku, as he looked down at her with dangerous hunger and intensity.

He was peeved with her and Hatsume was suddenly a little scared of what he would do.

But one question still remained though.

"H-how did you brake free!?" she asked and Izuku held up his hand to reveal his fingernails was now metal and what looked like a cross between a lock-pick and Jiro's jacks, popped out from underneath his index finger, before retracting and turning back to normal.

Hatsume didn't get to say anything else though, as suddenly she was bound by her own gadget. Reprogrammed by Izuku and suddenly she was the one bound and exposed to him.

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