Isn't it funny? Acting was the one thing I found solace in and loved with all my heart. But now, as I continue to put up a facade, those feelings of love transform into indifference. Yet the moment I decide to show my true feelings that don't align with the personality of my facade, I feel nothing but discomfort. The one thing that brought me happiness now brings me indifference and sadness.

I was abruptly pulled out of my thoughts, realizing that now wasn't the time for contemplation; I had to provide a response. "I'm feeling fine, you know? No need to worry about little old me. I'm not weak," I replied with forced enthusiasm, hoping it would suffice. They seemed to buy it for now, nodding in acknowledgment before redirecting the conversation back to Ellie.

"So, do you have a picture?" Ruby inquired, turning to Aqua, who shook his head. "I want to see a picture too, but I don't know how to search in an English format."

"How about I search for you guys? I'm fluent in English," I offered. My eagerness to see the photo and confirm my suspicions was far greater than they could comprehend. Ellie had been the closest thing to family I had ever known since losing my parents at the orphanage, and I deeply regretted leaving her alone.

Back then, all I yearned for was parental love, so even though I cared for Ellie as a sibling, I had to let her go for the sake of my own desires. But as I grew older, I came to realize that it wasn't familial love I craved; it was simply someone to love me, and that someone was Ellie.

If she truly had entered the idol industry, I didn't know how to process it. I was aware of the harsh realities that awaited aspiring idols, and I questioned whether Ellie possessed the strength to endure them.

Lost in my contemplation, I was abruptly brought back to the present as Aqua handed me his phone. Without hesitation, I typed 'Ellie Idol' into the search bar and clicked on the images tab.

As I gazed at the photo, my heart sank.

Blue twin tails, blue eyes, a cute delicate face, and a petite figure

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Blue twin tails, blue eyes, a cute delicate face, and a petite figure. Though the person in the image appeared to be sixteen years old, I harbored no doubts that it was Ellie. The resemblance was uncanny, and I would be a fool to continue deluding myself.

"So, you're an idol now, Ellie?" I whispered, my conflicting emotions swirling within me. While I couldn't fully support her choice to become an idol, if this was truly her dream, I had no choice but to accept it.

Does this mean I'll finally be able to see her soon? Knowing she was joining B-Komachi, I held onto the hope that our paths would cross once again.

The only question that lingered was when.


(Unkown POV)

[All passengers, we have arrived. Thank you for choosing Japanese Airlines. We hope you had a pleasant flight and we appreciate your continued patronage.]

As the announcement reverberated through the speaker system, I swiftly retrieved my luggage from the overhead compartment and made my way off the plane. The routine security checks, baggage claim, and various formalities followed until I eventually emerged from the airport's entrance.

Gazing up at the radiant sun beaming overhead, I instinctively removed my sunglasses and inhaled a deep breath of fresh air.

Ah, the sense of nostalgia is overwhelming. But-

I wasn't able to finish my thoughts as I got interrupted "Over here." A familiar voice jolted my attention, drawing my gaze in its direction. President Saitou stood proudly, holding a placard adorned with my name.

I approached him with a nod of acknowledgment. "Nice to finally meet you in person, President Saitou."

A grin spread across his face. "The pleasure is mine, Ellie. How does it feel to be back in Japan?" the President inquired, and I couldn't help but let a small smile grace my lips.

"It's truly wonderful to be back."


Author's note:

That's it for Baby Arc, now we go to childhood arc. 

What will Aikara influence in the movie?

I have nothing much else to say, so goodbye!

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