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Matt's pov:

We finished our food and both Nick and Chris went to the bathroom.

It was just me and April...

Matt: "Hey April?"
April: "Yeah?"
Matt: "Do you mind if we stay at your place. We'll only stay for a few days."

April: "Of course, you guys can stay as long as you'd like! My couch pulls out into a bed and I have extra blankets and pillows!"
Matt: "Thanks April!"
April: "Anytime!!"

Chris and Nick return and they look at me.

I nod.

I look down at my phone.

Matt: "Oh would you look at that! Our Uber's here!!"
April: "Wait, what? Uber-"
Nick: "Let's go!"
April: "Huh?"
Chris: "Come on April!"
April: "Where are we going?!"

We kept ignoring April's questions...


April's pov:

Matt drags me to the car.

Chris sits in the front while I sat in between Nick and Matt in the back.

The Uber driver starts driving.

I look at Matt beside me. He was looking out the window...

April: "Matt!"
Matt: "Yes?"
April: "Where are we going!!"
Matt: "I dunno."
April: "What do you mean you don't know!!"
Matt: "Don't worry about it, you'll see!"

He gives me and smile and holds my hand.

I sigh...

April: "...fine, whatever!"

I look out the window and wait till we arrive...


Matt's pov:

We arrived.

I open the car door getting out as April follows...

April: "Umm... where the heck are we?"

The Uber drives off...

April: "We just got dropped off at some neighborhood!?"
Matt: "Come on!"
April: "Come on where?!!"

I grab April's hand and we all start walking...

Matt: "We are going on a walk!"
April: "What? Then why'd we have to drive out here just to walk?!"
Matt: "Oh look over there!"

I point at a house...

April: "What?"
Matt: "Doesn't that house look nice?"
April: "Um yeah I guess."
Chris: "Yeah it looks really nice!"
Nick: "We should go check it out!"

We all walk up to the house...


April's pov:

We stand in front of the house...

Why are we just staring at this house?

I turn my head to see the triplets, they seemed excited...

Suddenly Nick runs up the driveway of the house.

He stands in front of the door of the house. He turns facing us...

Nick: "You guys coming or not?!"

Chris then runs over to Nick...

April: "What are you guys doing, this is someone's house!!"

Suddenly I felt myself getting dragged.

April: "What the fuck!"

Matt drags me to Nick and Chris.

Nick: "You think the owners are stupid enough to place the house keys under the welcome mat?"

Chris: "I don't know, maybe we should check!"

Chris pulls up the mat revealing the house keys...

Nick: "Oh my god! We should go inside!"
April: "Your joking right?!"

Nick puts the key in the door lock and slowly unlocks the door...

April: "Okay what the fuck are we doing!! Are we really committing a crime right now?!!"

Matt: "Let's go in!!"
April: "NO, I CAN'T GO TO JAIL!!"

Nick unlocks the door revealing an empty house...

April: "It's empty?"

The triplets look around the house as I'm still at the front door.

Matt: "Come on April!"
April: "But this is someone's HOUSE!"
Matt: "Let me show you something!"

Matt grabs my hand and pulls me into a room...

Matt: "What do you think?"

It was empty...

April: "Um it's a nice room I guess."
Matt: "This is my room!"

I look at Matt for a second processing what he just told me...

April: "Wait... this isn't some random persons house... THIS IS YOUR GUYS HOUSE?!?!?!"

Matt chuckles...

Matt: "Yup!"
April: "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO LIVE IN LA WITH ME?!?! This is so exciting!!!"

I jump into Matt's arms giving him a hug.

That's when it hit me...

I was wondering why Matt was so happy for me to live in LA, and why he's been so secretive. It was because he wanted to surprise me!

We let go of each other...

Matt: "None of our furniture have come in yet so that's why we have to stay at your place."

I couldn't help but smile.

I decide to roam around the house.

April: "It's a really nice house!"
Matt: "I know right."

Nick: "April wanna see my room? I got the best room!"
Chris: "No, I got the best room!"
Matt: "Umm... I actually have the best room, right April!"

April: "Um I don't know, they all look the same to me."

Chris pulls up his index finger...

Chris: "Uh actually my room is 3 inches bigger than Nick's and Matt's!"

Me, Nick, and Matt look at each other and laugh.

We mimic Chris...

April: "Uh actually my room is 3 inches bigger than Nick's and Matt's!"

Nick: "Uh actually my room is 3 inches bigger than Nick's and Matt's!"

Matt: "Uh actually my room is 3 inches bigger than Nick's and Matt's!"

We all say simultaneously in a nerdy voice while having our index finger up like Chris had.

We all start bawling out laughing. We were laughing so hard we were literally rolling on the floor, in tears...

Chris: "That's not funny guys!"

Panera Girl (Matt Sturniolo)Where stories live. Discover now