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Matt's pov:

I walk back to the car getting in.

I sit there in silence before putting my arms and head over the steering wheel...

Uhh I can't believe I did that!!! Did she like it?!

I smiled still thinking about that moment before driving off...


April's pov:

I head inside the hospital and into my dads room.

April: "Dad!!"
Dad: "April!"

I give my dad a hug then sitting down...

April: "Are you feeling okay?"
Dad: "I'm fine! The doctors said I seem healthy and I might be able to head home tomorrow!"
April: "That's great dad!"

Dad: "How are you sweetie?"
April: "I'm doing good!"
Dad: "That's good to hear!"

Dad: "The chocolate pudding here is delicious! Can you get me another one?!"

April: "Sure Dad, but I want to tell you something first..."


Matt's pov:

I park the car in the driveway heading inside...

Nick: "Matt where the fuck have you been?!"
Matt: "With April!"
Nick: "You could've texted us!"
Matt: "Sorry I had my phone on do not disturb!"

Chris walks in...

Chris: "Oh hey Matt! You never came home last night, where were you?"
Matt: "I was with April."
Nick: "So you stayed the night with April."

Nick gasps...

Chris: "Matt you freaky freaky boy!"

Matt: "What? Oh ew no!! We didn't do anything! We were just watching a movie and I fell asleep!"

Nick: "Sure!"
Matt: "That all we did, I swear!!!"
Nick: "Oh really?"
Matt: "Yes!!!"

Chris starts to snicker.

Both me and Nick look at him as he is on his phone...

Matt: "What are you laughing at?"
Chris: "Oh nothing!"
Nick: "Come on tell us!!"
Chris: "It's... Mya!!!!"
Matt: "Dude! Are y'all dating yet?"

Chris: "Not yet!"
Matt: "Come on ask her out!!"
Chris: "I don't know how!! How'd you ask out April?"

Matt: "Well I just..."
Nick: "Ugh I'm going to go jump of a cliff real quick brb!!"


April's pov:

April: "But I want to tell you something first..."
Dad: "?"
April: "I've been thinking... a lot since you've been here... and your right!"

I take a deep breath...

April: "Your right, I should go back to school."
Dad: "April..."

My dad sighs...

Dad: "I didn't mean any of that. Do what you feel like doing. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to."

April: "But I want to, dad!"
Dad: "Okay, if that's what you want!"
April: "Thanks dad!"
Dad: "It's going to be a lot of money but we'll manage!"

My dad smiles...

April: "We don't have to can!"

My dads smile immediately drops...

Dad: "What?!"
April: "Yeah, she found out about you. She's the reason the hospital bills are payed right now."

My dad stays silent.

April: "I tried to decline her offer but she insisted. She wanted to repay all those years she wasn't here."

My dad scoffs...

Dad: "Repaying won't change anything."
April: "But dad, she just wants to help."

My dad looks down...

Dad: "You want her to pay for your college?"
April: "Yes. Please?"
Dad: "...Do whatever you want sweetie."

He smiles at me. I smile back...

April: "Thanks dad, I love you!!"

I get up giving him a hug...

Dad: "Okay, now can you get me one of those chocolate puddings!!!"

I laugh...

April: "Okay fine!"

Panera Girl (Matt Sturniolo)Where stories live. Discover now