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Dad: "What's this?!"

My dad looks at me while he holds the envelope...

April: "That's some money mom gave me..."
Dad: "What, why? She already paid for the hospital and the bills!"
April: "I tried telling her no but-"

Dad: "Her number is in here! I should call her and return the money, we don't need it!"

I forgot mom gave me money. Maybe she could help me with college?

April: "Dad?"
Dad: "Yeah?"
April: "Um... remember how you said you don't know how you'd pay for college?"
Dad: "Yeah?"
April: "Well I was wondering if... mom could pay!"

Dad: "What no! We don't need her money!"
April: "But dad!"
Dad: "No."
April: "She's been absent most of my life! This could be her way of repaying!"
Dad: "Won't we sound greedy?"
April: "Dad, I'm sure she'll be happy to help!"

After a while I convinced my dad...

Dad: "Fine!"
April: "Yay! I'll call her later to ask her!"
Dad: "Make sure you thank her for me!"
April: "I will!"

My dad sits down on the couch...

Dad: "I'm hungry!"
April: "Same, I'll order us some food!"

1 hour later...

Me and my dad finished our food...

I sit in my room holding the envelope with my mothers number.

I slowly dial the phone number into my phone.

It starts ringing...


April: "Mom?"
Mom: "April? I'm so glad you called me!"
April: "How are you?"
Mom: "I'm doing great! How are you?"
April: "I'm good."
Mom: "And... your father? I heard he woke up!"

April: "He's well. He's already out of the hospital!"
Mom: "That's great! Why'd you call?"
April: "Umm well I'm planning on going to college..."
Mom: "That's great to hear!"
April: "And it's totally okay if you say no, but college is out of the budget for me and my father..."

Mom: "And you want me to pay?"
April: "Yeah? But it's fine if you say no-"
Mom: "No, I'd love to!"
April: "Really?"
Mom: "Yeah! What college do you plan on going to?"
April: "Well I'd love to go to UCLA but I'm probably going to attend a local college."

Mom: "UCLA? I went there! I know some people too. I could definitely get a good word in for you!"

April: "What? No it's okay I don't want to be handed out everything!"
Mom: "Okay then... I have to go. I'll talk to you later!"
April: "Okay, thank you from both me and my dad!"
Mom: "Of course! Have a great day!"
April: "You too."

She hangs up.

I grabbed my laptop from my desk and decided to start my college essay...


One month later...

April: "So... what do you think?"
Dad: "It's amazing!"
April: "I spent a weeks on it, of course it's amazing!!"

Dad: "So are you submitting this essay to UCLA?"
April: "Yeah, I really hope I get in!!"

Dad: "I'm sure you will! You got amazing grades in high school why wouldn't they?"

April: "But what if the gap year I took prevents me from getting in. What if it looks like I'm lazy so I took a year off?!"

Dad: "Stop stressing and just submit it already!!"
April: "Okay fine."

I click the submit button...

Panera Girl (Matt Sturniolo)Where stories live. Discover now