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It was the next day, my core was back to normal, and I was ready to go, but there was something I wanted to do first. It is necessary for me to know just what everyone can do, I don't want to just hear about it, I want to see it.

Today, I will be sparring with the other mages, of course, I won't be using my blood magic, that will end the match way too quickly. I'll be sticking with ice and wind only, this will allow me to defend and attack, just not with my full force, I'll still dial those spells down.

I was in my tent alone, Callias was setting everything up for me, I had just finished a meal, it was a cold stew which wasn't awful, but it wasn't good either. I would say it was about one o'clock in the afternoon, so we had plenty of time.

I got up from my bed, and made my way out of the tent, and into the camp where people were up and about, most making their way over to the field Callias had made for us to spar in. The non mages would just be watching, I didn't care what they did, I'm not trying to be rude, but they are kind of useless in these types of battels.

"General." The soldiers said as they bowed while I walked past them, towards Callias in the middle of the field. It seems we are ready, everyone is near the field, it's a big crowd, I hope these mages can entertain them.

The field was about forty by forty yards, so it was big enough to cast whatever spell you wanted. I don't think anyone here will be super strong where they can hurt someone outside the field. The soldiers moved out of the way so I could make it to Callias, he was smiling at me as I got closer.

"You ready?" He asked me, and I nodded my head. "Okay, then let's get started." He pulled out the list of mages we made yesterday with their element on it. "First up, I would like Damian Vinseal, fire elemental." Callias shouted to the crowd, and the man named Damian stepped up, he was a skinny man, maybe in his thirties, but he used a spear that he augmented. He also had blonde hair, which to me, didn't really match his whole face, but I won't judge.

"Lance Virion, it's an honor to be sparring with you." He spoke horsely, like he was slightly nervous, and bowed his head.

"Did you already explain to everyone what was going on here?" I asked Callias, seeing if I needed to speak to the three hundred soldiers currently watching us.

"Yes, I said that you wanted to test the mages here by sparring with them." Callias answered, then went on. "I also told them you wouldn't be using your blood magic, and that they should take it seriously, but at the same time, try not to get hurt."

"Did you tell them the other thing?"

"Yes, I did tell them that the mage that surprised you the most would be helping us plan our attacks out in the future." Callias nodded, then backed away from us. "When you end the battle, I'll send another mage out for you to fight."

I gave Callias a thumbs up and faced Damian. "Remember, take this seriously, try to kill me, I won't let you, I just want to see your strength in a battle." I conjured an ice sword in my right hand.

"Yes sir." Damian said, drawing his spear from his back, and then surrounded it with his fire mana. The soldiers around us chattered, none of them have seen me fight, only heard the stories. Damian got into a fighting position, then launched himself at me, he was moving so slow, it was so easy to dodge his first stab of the spear.

I swung my sword at his head, and he brought his spear up, our blades crashed, he sent a kick at me, and I shot a stream of wind at him, knocking him backwards, away from me. He then launched himself at me again, and I parried his blow, spun, and sent my blade towards his neck.

The man back stepped, and I shot another stream of wind, sending him backwards, and then kept on applying it, he couldn't move forward at all. I vanished and appeared next to him, canceling the wind spell, and held my sword to the side of his neck.

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