"I'm sure you told Bella the same thing. It's not your place to tell anyone anything about me. If you don't keep your mouth shut about it, I'll make you regret it," Katherine warned. Edward simply nodded. "I need to breathe. Away from you." Katherine walked away from Edward.


"Someone's hurt?" Bella asked as Edward opened his eyes and looked around.

"She's close. I can hear her thoughts," Edward warned. "Seth, go."

I won't leave Katherine.

"I'll keep them safe," Edward assured the young wolf. Seth turned and went away. "Katherine, get behind me." Katherine moved behind him as Bella moved to his side. "She knew we weren't there, but she caught my scent. She knew you'd be with me."

"She found us," Bella said as she held on to Edward and reached out for her sisters hand.

"She's not alone," Edward spoke just before Riley stepped into view. Bella moved behind Edward and pushed her sister behind her. "Riley, listen to me. Victoria's just using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you."

Victoria dropped down into a nearby tree causing Bella and Katherine to look over at her. "In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore," Edward continued.

"Don't listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks," Victoria warned falsely.

"I can read her mind. So I know what she thinks of you," Edward told the young vampire .

"He's lying," Victoria said.

"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. That's the only thing she cares about. Not you," Edward warned.

Riley looked over at Victoria. "There's only you. You know that," Victoria lied. Riley looked back over at Edward.

"Think about it. You're from Forks. You know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you," Edward continued to try and reason with Riley.

"Riley. Don't let him do this to us. You know I love you," Victoria lied.

"You're dead," Riley said after taking a step towards Edward.

Riley went to attack but Seth quickly attacked first. Victoria jumped from the tree and began to run away after Seth bit off Riley's hand.

"You won't get another chance like this again," Edward said causing Victoria to stop in her tracks. He began moving towards the red head. Bella and Katherine kept close to each other. "You want her. You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James, when I tore him to pieces, when I turned him into ash, when I turned him into nothing."

Victoria attacked Edward and the two began fighting. Katherine noticed Seth and Riley still fighting. She wanted to help them but her attention was brought back when Victoria tried to attacked Bella. Edward quickly stopped her and tossed her to a tree. Edward moved them and knocked over the tree that Victoria was in. Katherine saw as Riley knocked Seth out. She rushed over to Seth only to be pulled off by Riley and bit her. He would have drained her had he not notice Victoria needed him. Katherine screamed out in pain. Everything around her became a blur all she could focus on was the pain racing through her.

Seth and Edward rushed over to Katherine. Bella quickly followed after them.

"Save her," Bella begged.

"She'll die if I take more blood from her," Edward shook his head.

Do something. Seth growled

"She'll turn," Edward spoke softly.

No! Seth growled.

Tell. Seth. It's. Okay. Katherine's thoughts were unsteady.

"Seth, take her to my house. Carlisle will help her. Then go with the pack," Edward ordered.

I'm not leaving her!


For three days Katherine could feel the pack. Their worry, their anger, their fear. Mostly she could feel the pain and sadness Seth felt. He blamed himself. Katherine felt like every living thing within the surrounding nature was trying to help her or assure her she'd be fine. She could feel when Bella would come check on her. Rosalie's worry suffocated Katherine. She could feel the cold gel that Carlisle would use on her abdomen. She could hear a heartbeat like it was in her ears.

Katherine's eyes shot open and she quickly got out of the bed she was in. She saw her reflection and noticed not much had changed. She looked human but she remembered the venom burning through her veins. The thirst was the only evidence of her change. Her eyes flashed red and she backed away too quick.

"Katherine," Carlisle called softly.

"What am I?" Katherine asked with fear in her eyes.

"We aren't sure. The venom didn't quite change you. Not completely," Carlisle said as he moved closer to her. "You're heart still beats but it's rather fast."

"I'm so-" Katherine placed her hand on her neck.

"That's why I'm here," Jasper spoke up. "I'll be hunting with you."

"My baby," Katherine panicked as she placed a hand on her stomach.

"Alive and well. As far as I can tell it continues to grow at a normal rate. I'll want to monitor you closely throughout the pregnancy," Carlisle assured her.

"Shall we?" Jasper asked.


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