Chapter 11: Unearthed

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Chapter 11: Unearthed

The middle of the night. Darkness fills my vision as my body adjusts to a new heat that wasn't present when I'd gone to sleep. I widen my eyes, attempting to wake myself up to no avail. I let out a yawn, my now heavier blankets pressing their weight onto my body.

Morning light fills my room, I catch scattered light dancing on my walls before I turn over. I shimmy out from under my hefty blankets to feel something still pressing against me. A hefty, trunk-like arm is set on my waist, tucked against my sternum. I stare down at a large forest-tinted hand for a moment, piecing together what had happened. My heart was racing, my hands trembling as they brushed his. I set my hands on either side of his, preparing to move it without disturbing him and drawing attention to the situation. His fingers gently curl around my hand beneath his. At this moment, I could tell something was unearthed within me, shaken loose after being jammed into a crevice for far too long.

I weigh my options of giving in and falling asleep once more, hoping he would pull away when he soon realizes. This option is forcibly removed after a series of noise registers. I attempt to pry his hand off of me, growing impatient as I hear the tavern begin its morning. Several sets of footsteps made their way past the door, the sounds of music, banter, and clinking glass filling the building.

An impatient knock at the door serves as a warning of imminent entry rather than asking for permission. I shoot up, feeling the entire weight on the bed shift. I look beside me to see Val with an expression just as shocked as mine before a pillow quickly covers it. He stands up, now in only a thin set of short undergarments and bandages wrapping around his waist. Hidorah continues in, setting down a tray of food with a loud, "Good morning! Take it that you both slept well," before leaving. The same smirk from last night plastered on his face.

I cross my arms, seeing the pillow over Val's face lower as the door clicks shut. "How did I end up in your bed, Elaine?" He asks, apparently neither of us knowing.

I glare at him, finding his response unbelievable.

His eyes widen, and he seems to panic as he explains. "I'm serious, I don't remember! I only got up last night for..." He stalls. "For a drink. Hidorah was out there still, we chatted a bit, and he just kept pouring me more. Said it would help with the pain from the injury." My anger fades to a look of confusion to press for more detail.

"I think he might have even helped me into the room. I must have just crashed..." Val says sheepishly.

Of course, I shake my head. I'm not surprised by Hidorah's strange attempts to create drama in the workplace. Luckily I don't think anyone who would care even without context saw or heard anything. I set the standing tray down on the floor near Val's messy cot, who is already behind me making up the bed. Even with his injury, he's still putting in the effort to help me clean up.

"Before we have breakfast, let's check your wound," I say to him. He nods.

I cut away the bandages with an extra knife from the breakfast set, using what was available to me. "Any pain or changes in feeling?" I ask as I tear through the thin fabric.

"No, no pain at all since last night, actually." He specifies, shrugging.

I unearth his wound, now a pale smooth scar sitting on his waist. It had healed almost completely overnight, wonderful news! Though it had scarred over, he stares at it with me, and he makes an effort to prod at it, stating there was no lasting pain even with contact.

We take turns leaving the room to allow each other to get dressed. Val still chose not to wear his full armor, opting for just his boots and helm with a new tunic and the same pants from yesterday. I throw on a simple dress, not having to work today, though I'll be heading out to the main hall anyway. I decide against breakfast at the moment, but Val chooses to eat his while I take care of some important things.

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