Chapter 4: Opportunities Offered

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I make a trip to the bathhouse, running a quick bath and trying my best to shove away my last experience here. I drag the tub from the first open stall outside and fill it at the pump. The water pours out steaming with a sputter from the desert sun concentrated on the dark spout all day. I clutch the large, wooden tub by its handles on either side, preparing to lift it into the bathhouse stall. I let out an embarrassing, guttural sound as I shuffle to the bathhouse door not far from where I stood.

An eruption of laughter startles me. A slosh of water spills onto the ground, quickly mixing into a mauve mud. I set the tub down, careful not to spill more. I turn around to see the familiar face of a man who had rented a room earlier in the day.

He flicks what remains of his cigar into the dirt, snuffing it beneath his boot. He straightens his back from leaning on the wall of the tavern and approaches me with a smile. I tense up. He takes the tub, lifting it far easier than I could, and sets it into the bathhouse with me following close behind. He leans down closer to me, whispering, "There's a hose to fill the baths easier just in the tavern, darlin'." He leaves back inside the tavern.

Marietta's side of cleaning was more impressive than mine, even including fresh hygiene products in the stalls that hadn't been used yet. After a nice hot bath, I change into my new red dress and corset. I dry my hair the best I can, though still damp and frizzy, and head back to the tavern.

The tavern was quiet and warm with a fire crackling in the main hall. It appeared that Kenrik had retired for the night, as he was not in his normal place behind the counter. Instead, Hidorah sat there in his place with his feet up on the countertop. I peek a bit closer to the counter and see a faint glow from the trap door leading to Kenrik's room, solidifying my theory.

Hidorah smirks at me, giving me a nod and a chuckle under his breath. I wonder why he's acting stranger than usual. I give him a strange look, attempting to pry for information. He cocks his head, "Is Marietta outside?"

I take a moment to respond with this not being a question I expected from him, "She went home I believe, but I don't think it's too far from here. Why do you ask?"

He begins to get up from his chair, "I just figure there's someone she'll want to see here is all. I'll be right back."

With that, he leaves the tavern. I wonder who he could have been referencing, and my mind drifted to Val. She seemed attached, even attracted to him by the way she spoke so highly of him. A strange feeling pricked me, an unfamiliar one at that. I force it down, finding it impossible for me to be jealous of someone who Marietta has known far longer than I have.

I sit at the counter and pour myself a small glass of wine from a barrel perched on the counter against the wall. I sip at the drink, feeling the warm liquid hit my throat. I decided to scoop a few chunks of ice out of the ice chest. I shake the metal scoop over my glass and allow it to slide in. My thoughts continue.

Besides, I'd hardly known Val. He'd rescued me from the desert for a reward and offered me water and this was the extent of our interactions. With these minuscule occasions being the most intimate moments we'd shared and my twinge of jealousy still arising was a laughable concept to me.

At least, to my knowledge this was the extent of our interactions. The voice that called my name in the bathhouse was eerily similar to that of Val's, though I don't remember ever telling him my name. It's entirely possible that the man in the bathhouse was a tavern customer who knew my name and was shocked to see me in there. I push away the thought again, trying my best to shake the image of the man ingrained in my mind. My face flushes as I continue staring down at my drink.

Wanting to take my drink to my room and unwind, I head back to my quarters which was a short walk from the bar counter. I take off my shoes beforehand, not wanting to track dirt onto my floor. I set them just outside the door and stretch my legs and ankles, now only covered by socks. I push open my door, fully ready to settle down for the night. I set my bag down and look up to see a large, dark figure on my bed. It was Val.

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