Chapter 21

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idk why but I really like this chapter


Faint movement followed by the door clicking shut is what takes Kingston out of his slumber. He immediately sits up in bed and looks around him, finding the sound of movement and his bedroom door clicking shut awfully suspicious. His eyes land on a large orange bag sitting on his desk with the words Louis Vuitton written on it in bold dark blue letters. That wasn't there last night. And he doesn't remember ordering any new bags or shoes ever since he came back home. Unless Darrius figured out where he is and this is his way of trying to win him over again. His ex-fiancé always apologized through expensive gifts — from designer shoes, clothes and accessories, to luxurious cars and eye-catching jewelry. Kingston has seen and had it all because that's how Darrius would swoon him. Although Darrius hasn't really been trying to win him over through materialistic things lately. Not ever since he left, at least. His ex-fiancé has been reaching out and trying to swoon him with money since instead. Every few days he finds a large amount of money in his account from Darrius, telling him to come home or an apology attached to it. Luckily money and materialistic stuff never really impressed him or else he would've caved a while ago.

Kingston gets out of bed and walks over to his desk to see if there's anything attached to the bag. Maybe he did order something and he just forgot. He'll have to check his checking account later. Though, that doesn't make any sense because his dad wouldn't sneak into his room to leave an unpackaged package. Knowing his dad he would leave it in the hall or by the stairs for him to find. By his door even if he happened to come upstairs. That's how things have always been ever since he was old enough to order stuff online. And his dad hasn't entered his room without knocking ever since that one incident when he was thirteen, discovered the joys of self pleasure, and forgot to lock his bedroom door one evening. Both of them have been very big on knocking ever since.

There's nothing attached to the bag, so Kingston decides to just take the box inside of it out. He takes the box to his bed and opens it, being taken by total surprise. It's the mini backpack he told Chrisanto about when they were last together a few days ago. His best friend is the only person who he told he was thinking of buying this backpack. He showed Chrisanto a picture of it the night they were making snacks after they had sex. Could it be that he ordered the backpack that night and forgot? He doesn't remember doing that. But he does remember Chrisanto telling him that he would be insane if he bought it so he didn't. That's why he showed the older guy in the first place, to ask him if he should buy it or not.

Then it finally hits Kingston. He gets off his bed again and grabs his bathrobe to cover himself before exiting his bedroom. There's no way Chrisanto did what he thinks he did. He refuses to believe it unless it has been confirmed.

"Dad?" Kingston calls out when he comes down that stairs. "Daddy, did you just— Holy fuck, you scared the shit out of me!" He exclaims loudly when he's met with Chrisanto standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Here you go again calling me daddy," Chrisanto shakes his head disapprovingly with a smile on his face while tutting. "I think I should get used to it if you keep insisting like this. Though I really liked you calling me Chris, braceface."

Kingston crosses his arms over his chest and rolls his eyes at Chrisanto's joke. "You're so dumb. What are you doing here? In fact, how'd you even get in?" He asks with a snarky tone to his voice. Chrisanto and him aren't on bad terms or anything, but he's just annoyed with him for some inexplicable reason. He has been ever since he overheard the older guy's phone call with Juni. That night was also the last time they saw each other until now.

''Woah there kitten, relax.'' Chrisanto chuckles softly. ''I just came to see you, see what's up with you since you've been acting weird. You need to start locking that kitchen door when you're home alone, I've been telling you this for nearly ten years now.''

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