Chapter 20

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The sun is slowly starting to set and the hot temperature from earlier in the day is gradually dropping. It's no longer just Kingston and Chrisanto by the lake anymore. Their friends joined them a few hours after they arrived and spent time together only the two of them. They laid in the sun, talked about anything and everything except for what's going on between them, went into the lake no deeper than their knees –per Kingston's demand– and laid in the sun some more while kissing up on each other.

Spending time alone together like that was nice. It felt like a date, although neither of them would ever admit that out loud because they both know it wasn't that. They were just spending time together as best friends with undisclosed feelings despite all the kissing and the butterflies in both their stomachs.

Until their friends' arrival the two of them were inseparable. Kingston would let Chrisanto lead him into the water, they would reminisce over the past, Chrisanto would let Kingston feed him whatever piece of fruit he was eating, Kingston would open up a little more about his time in college and Chrisanto would occasionally tell Kingston about his own time in college. They would sit across each other on the blanket or lay down next to each other, just talking, and sometimes let a comfortable silence rest between them. By the time their friends came around they subconsciously distanced themselves from each other, not to make the others too suspicious about them. Not that there's anything going on, but Chrisanto would rather not have his friends in his business with Kingston. And neither would Kingston himself. Especially with Jordan around. Kingston would rather tell his ex-boyfriend about Chrisanto and him without the rest around in case it turns into something more than it should be. Because, in the end, he slept with his ex-boyfriend's friend who also happens to be his best friend.

Despite trying to distance themselves from each other, Kingston and Chrisanto still gravitated towards one another. They wouldn't be themselves if they didn't. It was in a more platonic way than before their friends got there, but nothing less than how they were when they were younger or now that they're older. They're still everywhere the other is, incapable of leaving one another alone and having the need to constantly tease and challenge each other. Whether it's verbally or physically like best friends would, they have to do it.

Just like now.

A pair of arms are wrapped around Kingston from behind him and he immediately starts trying to wiggle himself out of them, already knowing who it is. Chrisanto has been attempting to throw him in the water because he knows how much Kingston hates going in beyond his knees if it isn't a pool. Every attempt results in the two of them play fighting like two bad behaving little school boys just for Jaeda to scold them. It isn't any different now, except Jaeda gave up by the fourth time they started. It's clear to her, and their friends, that some things will never change between them no matter where they are. Not even after years.

"Chrisanto, no, put me down!" Kingston exclaims when he feels himself being lifted off the ground. All he hears is Chrisanto's laugh as he's being carried onto the lake's dock. "I swear if you throw me in that damn water I'm fighting you." He threatens.

"Is that a threat?" Chrisanto taunts while Kingston loudly cusses him out. "Are you threatening me?" He stops a few steps away from the edge of the dock. One swing and Kingston is in the water.

"Yes, I am. Put me down!" Kingston demands while kicking his feet and wiggling his body. "Chris, stop playing and put me the fuck down."

"The guys just bet me a hundred dollars each that I'm not able to throw you in the water because I keep failing to do so."

"Chris, I swear on—"

"Imma lose five hundred dollars if I don't throw you in, braceface."

"I will stop talking to you if you—"

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