A Doctors Wife

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After our honeymoon and the wedding of Elliott and Kate's I realized just how important it is to have the right people as friends and then I found out that my friends didn't respect my brothers wedding vows or anything else. So I decided to say goodbye to all of them as friends and told them why. They are no longer on the invite list. I guess they had been doing these things behind my back and I finally witnessed it in all its glory and was horrified. Roger, Daniel and Ethan said they were always doing that when I turned my back. Apparently they even tried with my dad and Ray. I have started having lunch with a few of the doctors wives and I am busy with getting things settled at our new home and my catering business, so I am not going to have time for those four. It took me a long time to see them for who they really are. I am finding that people are trying to be friends with me because of my family name and my brothers. Once they ask me if I can give my brothers their number I say no I can't and won't give their numbers to them and they suddenly lose interest in talking to me.

Mia finally saw her friends for who they really are and she is cutting them loose. I am so glad she did. The boys couldn't stand them. I am glad that she never game them our new address. I am trying to get her pregnant with our child. The boys are going to be great big brothers. They had excellent examples and I am proud to say a lot of people assuring they were taught well. I believe that Mia is a good person that her friends have taken advantage of and she has finally seen them for who they really are and has recognized other people trying to use her. Havi and Ray taught me that lesson along with Alyssa and her parents. I am glad I got custody of my boys. They would have learned awful things from Alyssa and her parents. I am so glad that I am a Steele. Kate and I got lucky and we were fought for and adopted by the Steele's. Alyssa thought she could drain the Kavanagh grandparents of money, then the Steele's of money. She thought I was her meal ticket and would marry her. She deliberately got pregnant thinking I would be forced to marry her, she got the surprise of her life. We finally took the boys away from her. So I understand what Mia has dealt with concerning gold diggers.

I am so glad we don't have to deal with Mia's friends anymore and that she has grown up and is a good mother to Ethan's sons. Her friends have no boundaries. Mia finally caught their acts. She said not to put them on any guest list again and they aren't welcome back. We made sure that they weren't allowed on any Grey properties or Steele properties either.

I breathe a sigh of relief and am thrilled that I am not having to have those girls as guests anymore or their parents. I am surprised it took so long for her to get rid of them as friends. Now that she is married she sees them for what they are. They were pretty bad at the wedding, hitting on married men. I came close to throwing them out, but I guess someone told them to cool it or they saw that no one was biting on the baited hook.

The wedding was perfect and I am happy that we only have boys left to get married off. That will be a while on Ray jr. The twins have a new mother now. A good one this time.

The wedding was good except for Mia's trollop friends. I nearly asked security to remove them, but they stopped their poor behavior. The rest of the wedding went well and the reception as well.

Elliott has decided he wants babies and now. So we started trying to have babies. I guess Ethan and Mia are trying to get pregnant as well. They started after they came back from their honeymoon. Anastasia and Christian are very happy after all they were put through. Mia has gotten rid of her friends finally. They aren't to be invited to any events that the Greys or Steele's are attending. A lot of married people were about to deck the girls.

We are trying for a baby now and I am working hard while the boys are in school. It works great and I have time to train my chefs and we are getting a lot of business. I am going to be careful if I get pregnant though.

Andrea Anderson
Things are going pretty well and security measures have tightened up and Welch, Barney and Taylor are on the ball and have caught things before they happened. Sandra has been a good employee and so has Deborah and Dennis. Roz has hired similar staffing and so far everything seems to going smoothly. Gwen has came in and missed Roz for lunch and I noticed Sandra left just before Roz did. I just thought it was a coincidence because Roz wouldn't be doing anything cheating wise on Gwen. I didn't know where Roz went to because she left in a hurry. Her staff was gone as well. I found out later that Roz was called to an emergency meeting and Sandra was out to lunch with a cousin who just arrived in Seattle and was moving in with her and had applied to GEH. So it was just a coincidence. Her cousin was hired in the mail room scanning area. The timing happening for two weeks got us suspicious and we relaxed after we found out what was actually happening. Gwen felt better about it after finding out the truth, but background checks were made and read.

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