College Bound

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We have three under five years old here and five college students in our home. The cars are parked by security thank God. Our minivans were getting hit and we had to come down hard on the children because they were being a bit reckless and now we have security just drive them and bring them home, since they follow them anyway. We are starting to hear great news about Christian and GEH. He has had to hire security for his family as well. He hired one of my guys and his wife to be head of household and head of security. I couldn't fault them for taking the jobs it was five times what I paid them. A lot more work involved though. Havi liked to be active in our home even though she works hard at running her company and is raising three small children. The twins call her nana and Ray jr calls her mama. They follow her like little ducklings.

Mia and her crew are trying to drag me to a designer shop and buy a dress for the Coping Together Ball, mom gave me her credit card. Kate was wanting to attend as well. So now the whole family are attending it. The guys are going with dad for their clothing for it. Grace Grey started the charity and we just turned 18 and started college, so we are all invited. They need single females for the first dance auction. It's a good thing mom taught all of how to dance and made us practice. We are fully aware of how to behave at a formal function. Mia and her friends can't wait to dance with the single guys that are being auctioned off. Charles Acres is now single and his parents are forcing him to attend and be auctioned off. I have to study so I am going to have to leave early.

My parents are having Alyssa watched and waited on in the form of a housekeeper and security. She isn't aware that once we have the baby safely in our home and fully mine that all that ends. It's worth the costs to assure the baby is safe. My parents are insisting that I attend the Coping Together Ball. They also insist I participate in the first dance auction, all the single young people have have volunteered for it. Word has it Alyssa is coming to it and also participating in the auction, that will be a sight to see. It's easier now that I am back with my parents. I don't have the twins to care for and I can study for my classes without being disturbed. Alyssa was needy and she had expectations that I would provide her with staff and a nice home. If my parents had accepted her then maybe, but they didn't want her in the family because of the things they had heard that I hadn't. They were right that she had intentionally gotten pregnant in hopes that Ethan Steele would marry her and provide her with one of the beautiful homes they own in Bellevue. That didn't happen and wasn't going to happen. Her and her family moved in when the babies moved in and worked Havi hard until after two months she past out and they discovered she was pregnant at the hospital. Ray threw them out and had them care for the babies half the time. That's when they hired more staff to assure Havi had Ray Jr. a miracle baby. The things you find out after the fact amazes me. 

I can't believe we have to go to the Coping Together Ball and participate in the first dance auction. Apparently all the single people are being asked to do it and Havi and Ray insist we all do it so money can be raised Ethan and Roger are not worried at all about the first dance auctions. They tell me that it is for charity and whoever bids on you already likes you. What if you don't like them? They tell me if I want I can ask security to keep them away from me after we have danced that is. Mom and dad showed me how to dance so I know how to dance. I just need to dance on my feet and not my wheelchair this time. Kate and Anastasia have asked Roger and I to help them learn to dance. This should be fun. We have a week to get them ready for the ball.

I can't dance and the girls want me and Daniel to help teach them to dance. I can't dance either. Apparently Daniel can, well he could in his wheelchair. So he showed us what he could do on his feet. He is better than us, so we started training with him. Soon we were able to do several dances. I guess wheelchair dancing translated to being on your feet. I had to write a paper so we had to stop and get things done for college. I need to keep up with my homework because unlike the others I have to work harder at college than they do.

I feel better about dancing at the ball now that we were taught a few dances. I think it's going to be fun dancing now. I still need to leave early. Mia is excited about the ball. Lily, Leila, Gia and Gretchen have they sites set on the Grey brothers as dance partners. I would think the Grey brothers will garner a nice amount of money for a dance with them.

Mia said that Lily, Leila, Gia and Gretchen are all coming and they plan on winning the first dances of Christian and Elliott Grey. I am saving my money for something else, like shoes. I will get my trust fund when I turn 21. Ethan has received his, but he put half of it away for his twins trust funds. He wants to keep the rest to set up his office as a psychiatrist. I am doing great in college, but so are the rest of the family.

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