A Twisted Turn

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I walk out if my office and see Oscar Anderson standing holding a bunch of daisies and roses and begging Andrea to give him another chance. I chuckle and ask her if she ordered the flowers for Anastasia and she tells me yes. I say hello to Olivia and Oscar. I tell him he should be on his knees after what he did to Andrea and headed to pick up lunch for me and Anastasia. We are meeting at my apartment and she's already there. I check my pocket for the engagement ring.

I am reading the report for my course and so far everything is right and I am turning it in this afternoon. My security is sitting with Christian's guys and Gail is fiddling around in the kitchen, Jason arrives and Christian is right behind him with our food and drinks. We kiss and open our food and drinks and start eating, he asked me to come here for lunch and I did. I have been here several times now and saw every room in the main part, but staff quarters were off limits. We are finally done with our food and I try to clean it up, but he stops me. He gets on one knee and asks me to marry him and pulls out the ring. I am shocked but I say yes to him. We might have been dating a short time, but we have known each other a very long time. I asked if he asked for Rays blessing and his face pales and I tell him that Havi and Ray will give him their blessings.

I call Ray and ask for his blessings to ask Anastasia to marry me and asked what took me so long to ask him? He said he thought I would the night of the Coping together Ball. Even Havi thought I would so they both give their blessings apparently she was with him and they were having lunch together. I slide the engagement ring on her hand and kiss her passionately and tell her to pick a date. We look at a calendar and we need to wait until her final exams and that is in a month. She wants a simple wedding and she has an idea for her wedding dress. Mia and mom are going to go crazy over the wedding. Anastasia and I have never had sex with each other, she hasn't had sex ever. I however have. I definitely had as safe sex as I could using condoms at all times and getting checked. Ray would kill me if I got his daughter pregnant before I married her. So I knew exactly what I was getting into when we started dating. Elliott has had a hard time dealing with it himself. He and Kate have broke up over this issue several times. Right now they are off again and Ray is getting fed up with Elliott because he warned him one more time and they are never seeing each other again. We head back to where we need to get to. My lobby is full of daisies and roses and I get to my floor and I can't believe what I am seeing. Olivia is moving daisies and roses around so she can work. Andrea has called someone to come pass out the Daisies and roses to all the employees. I ask her if I am going to need to call Oscar and tell him he needs to stop this? She says she told him that he was putting her job in jeopardy and didn't appreciate that he thought she was just waiting around for him and how dare he think he could just pick up from where he left off. I patted her on her back and handed her a Kleenex and told her that her job is safe.

I just can't get past first base with Kate and we keep having fights about it. I can't wait for much longer, she told me to go find somebody who is willing. So we break up and I go find an easy lay, but I can't get Kate out of my mind and heart. This was my last chance and Ray told me to stop pressuring his daughter to have sex with me and leave her alone if I don't want to marry her. According to him his daughters are the kind you marry, not the kind you have sex with casually because they were taught better. So I miss Kate, but I am no longer welcome at the Steele's home. I found a bed warmer for a night and relieved stress. She got clingy and I had her driven home and my sheets were changed immediately. Time for a doctors appointment.

Andrea told me to stop sending flowers to her at work or at home or anywhere. I try to talk to her, but she has other things to do like donate my flowers to shut ins and retirement homes. I try again, but she tells me that I made my choice and it was a good for nothing gold digging who're who had her children taken from her. She said if that is the type that I like there are plenty of them out there waiting for me and hung up. I can't get her to give me a chance to start over. I need to keep trying, even my parents were mad at me for ending things with Andrea Parker. They thought I was being crazy and selfish. I think if one thing that might make her change her mind. My parents.

Tia Anderson
Oscar is out of his mind if he thinks this will get Andrea to marry him after he treated her so badly. She was the one girl we approved of and encouraged him to marry her, but he broke it off and told her he wasn't marriage material. We were so angry at him. Then he proposed to that poor example of a human Alyssa and she was pregnant with triplets. She had her triplets and those were taken away from her. She had her tubes tied as well. Then he threw her and her parents out of his home three months later. We were so relieved that he got rid of that trash, but the damage was done because the Engage to Alyssa was major news, bad news at that.

Adam Anderson
I finally give Andrea a call and tell her what I know after having her promise not to tell anyone what I am going to tell her. I should get an NDA, but I trust her not to tell it. So I tell her about Oscar saving three babies from being mothered by Alyssa for even a moment. She was neglectful of her twin boys and medical evidence proves that, Oscar agreed to step in since she had ended things with him and he helped assure that Alyssa would never gave another child.

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