HR Has To Hire A Lot To Do

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I watch as my husband fires Miss Blandino and all her little minions, security has checked through everything that they have and have cleared their homes of any GEH material and scrubbed everything off their personal devices. Cops have all the evidence against them. They are told that the joke is on them our marriage was recognized and real and I show them the marriage license. Soon each are asked to empty their pockets and we find USB drives and each have to be gone over and what was on them could add a lot of jail time. Andrea has joined us and brought others in and mr Gooding has been asked to listen to voices from a recording and he identifies the voice and soon we see who made that call. Olivia was the one who made the call. He was a patsy and didn't even get paid. He said he won't do something like this again. He will be testifying against Olivia. Andrea found some photos of Olivia herself and when she produced them Olivia's friends went for her throat, if it weren't for the cops they would have hurt her.

Olivia forgot that conference rooms have surveillance cameras that come on automatically and are motion activated. There was a lot of motion and a lot of men and we will be replacing furniture in those rooms. I watch as each of her friends recognize their boyfriends in the photos and it's not them in the pictures, but it is Olivia in all of them. Each are arrested for collusion. The Greys are back together and they have are happy. Christian tells me that Oscar was helpful in this and was the one that sent the photoshopped evidence to Jason, so I should thank him for that. I get it and I leave to make sure I have a new assistant from HR. Hopefully no gold diggers again.

Security went through all the desks and found that no much belonged to the employees, all badges were taken and destroyed and HR had each sign their exit papers and their last checks were handed to them along with their property. Gloves had to be used on some of their property and plastic bags were as well, the desks and chairs might need replaced. Finally the cops are able to get these females out of our building. Now my boss is a happy camper, happier now that he is going to be the father of twins. He told me security will be tripled on mrs Grey and one will be female. Now I need a female security from the GEH team.

I am not thrilled that things like this happened and from now on background checks on everyone who comes in contact with me or my family. I was upset that Anastasia didn't talk to me and took her things and the marriage certificate and left. Then her finding out she is pregnant and with twins. We made up for our time apart. She loves the new house and we have to get a nursery for two ready. I owe a lot of people for helping me get my angel back to me. We have been talking about it and I am telling her that she should have confronted me when Kate telling her about mr Gooding and the supposed joke. We could have got the marriage license and everything else we could find out together. She did love the idea of firing the bitch and her minions together. Our marriage is legal and on the day we were married. Senator Blandino was very angry at his daughter, but for not being able to me get to the alter. He said that himself. I told him that was never an option and he and I knew it. After everything that we found, it apparently was the tip of the iceberg and we found more once we started looking into everything. The check printing company is being sued for printing checks with my name on it. They need to be sure who they are printing checks for and verify that they are sending them to the right person.

We have turned over a lot of evidence on Olivia and her friends, they were truly sneaky and Andrea was their first target, but they couldn't get her fired, but they definitely tried so often that she knew who her emeries were. They even tried to find a way to rattle her, it failed. She never left her station without locking things, turning off things and taking her iPhone, iPad and all her keys. I watched as Olivia tried to access her computer and failed. Barney said Olivia was bad about leaving things on and unlocked so he was able to get into her iPhone and iPad. Her computers he had access to anyway and he definitely found a lot of things she had done and things she planned on doing along with her friends.

I have been lax and I was told just that and I and my teams are working hard to get all the security up to date on the servers. I won't see daylight for a while. I found things that we need to get corrected immediately and Welch is helping me find the glitches in the systems.

Mr Gooding
I was spared being arrested for being hired to play a joke, because evidence exonerated me from being charged with a crime. I won't do that ever again. I did find an acting job that took me out of Seattle and to California. Kate and I said farewell and I thanked Ray for not killing me. I also thanked Havi for not cutting my favorite parts off. She told me a story that rang true of someone she knew. I at least feel good that Anastasia and Christian were able to get their legit marriage license and for their actual wedding date. I hate leaving Kate though, she was great.

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