Family Therapy

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We are sitting here getting ready to go into therapy as a family, my parents have decided that they need to be better parents and to do that we are here getting therapy as a family. We are allowed to get out all our feelings and we do just that. Things are changing and they started after mr Steele tried to get my parents to sign over guardianship over to him and Havi. I had the best birthday party even though it was shared with Anastasia and Roger it was wonderful. My parents actually socialized with all the other parents. Ethan and a few others were allowed to come over since their parents were invited. All the Grey family arrived. A lot of adults came with their children because they wanted to see the new homes on the Lincoln property.

Therapy was brutal and my parents were pretty upset about the baby and my being irresponsible. They tried to blame the Steele's but I put a stop to that and told them I slipped out under their watch. They didn't say much after that against the Steele's and then I told them that the Steele's were paying for a therapist and they didn't think twice about paying for it. My parents were angry, but the therapist stopped them and said that they needed to listen more than get angry. They asked why didn't the parents contact them? I told them they tried, but you never returned their calls. Then they spoke to the Steele's after talking to the Greys regarding it. They figured that you wouldn't care about the baby either. Since you barely cared about us, especially since you can't even be bothered to remember our birthdays and let's not forget Christmas, Thanksgiving and other holidays. We talked and talked, but it was all talk by the end of it.  We couldn't get through to our parents. What they didn't know was that because of the Grey and Steele family we were about to be placed with the Steele family. My parents had been reported by my girlfriends family after they found out about what was actually going on with our family.

We have been in family therapy, but it's not working and we have been notified that CPS has taken both Ethan and Kate from us due to neglect and they are now in the Steele home. I am not sure how this happened, but they had witnesses to our neglect including teachers. Enid was beside herself and she was determined that we get our children back. After hearing everything I believe we don't deserve our children.

After my outburst in court the judge decided that I definitely need more psychiatric treatment and recommended that I be placed into a psychiatric hospital. We also were told that the judge has decided to take our rights away from us. Soon we found out that he did indeed terminate our rights after reviewing all the witness statements he did terminate our rights and our children are now being adopted by the Steele's and we now have no children. Which caused me to end up staying in the hospital longer.

We were given custody of Ethan and Kate and they were in the process of terminating their parents rights. So many witnesses came forward against the Kavanagh parents, they had no choice but to terminate their rights. So we came forward to adopt them. Anastasia and Roger were both thrilled. Havi was as well, but she told me we needed to set up rules for all of the children and I had to discuss things with Ethan in regards to sex and he needs to get his libido in check and no dating or being alone with girls or having sex. I plan on keeping him busy and I plan on doing the same with Roger and Havi plans to keep the girls busy as well. So far so good. The young girl he got pregnant called him and asked to see him, I told her unless her parents and I were in the room all the time, he would not be seeing her. She wasn't happy about that and I didn't care.

Ethan's girlfriend tried to see him and I wouldn't let her see him alone, Ray and I watched them all the time. I called her parents and they arrived to watch them as well. We all spoke and we agreed they would never be allowed to be alone in a room together until they are of legal age to be able to take care of themselves. It is sad that they were not allowed to choose to have their baby, we would have helped them. So Alyssa is allowed to join us for dinner and her parents are coming along. James and Barbara Lancaster plus there other two children Kim and Andrew. Alyssa is 16 the same age as Ethan, Kim is 12 and Andrew is 10 years old. We have talked things over prior to this dinner. Normally we would have a problem with this, but there were special circumstances and oh boy, we apparently were lied to. Well Ethan was lied to and Alyssa is still pregnant. Ethan was definitely lied to and recently discovered the truth. Because of the Kavanagh's disregard of their phone calls they lied about the baby and now that we are his parents they thought we would be more open to chat about Ethan's responsibility for his child. Well they are right about that. So we are going to be discussing his responsibilities to the child.

We are going to have a long conversation about how we handle the baby issue. First I want to know if these two are thinking marriage? If not then we need to make sure Alyssa gets everything she needs to carry her baby to full term. We also need to pay for her medical bills she has had so far. James physically relaxes and Barbara has a look of relief and we finally get to the crux of the matter. They thought that Ethan was deserting their daughter and he wasn't. His father apparently made some comments to Alyssa that hurt her deeply. Ethan had no idea his father did that. Finally everything is out in the open. We are going to help these two get through this. By the time they leave we have invited them back and they are sending the bills to us to cover for previous months.

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