Will's POV

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*A.N. I'm really sorry for not updating, I had to study and do tests. I will try get back on track and hopefully finish it by the end of Summer*

I closed my eyes for a minute and then opened them. Nothing seemed different, but the bathroom door was open and Nico wasn't anywhere to be seen. I pulled myself up, in a way that I didn't get rid of the warmth under the covers. I turned my head and looked around the room. Nope, no Death Boy. I then saw the note. I picked it up and started reading it.
'Hi Sunshine,
               Got to talk to Chiron, be back soon. Hope you slept well,
                         Death Boy (ps I never said that ever)'
I smiled and slipped it into my pocket. I needed to keep this, you never know when it might come in handy. I just snuggled under the covers and waited. After a long, long wait, Nico arrived. I didn't see him, I just felt him crawl in bedside me. I tried to turn to hug him, but he wrapped his arms around me and stopped me from moving. I took the hint, stayed were I was and stayed shut. But that didn't last long.

"Why can't I look at you?" I asked.

"Not answering" Nico replied.

"I'm going to turn around" I said.

"No you're not" Nico said trapping me in his arms even more.

I quickly untangled myself and turned around before he could grab me again. I started laughing my head off. He looked like a girl, whither the eyeliner.

"What happened to you" I laughed.

"Not talking about it" He mumbled.

"Hey don't be like that, you look great" I said.

And I wasn't lying. He looks perfect no matter what he looks like.

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