Will's POV

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I was stuck with Nico for another week. A week of spoon feeding him ambrosia and nectar. I had to get one of the Hectate kids to cast some of their magic to keep him in bed. I made an agreement with Chiron, that for not obeying Doctors orders he must do all the days dishes with the Harpies. I grinned at him while he walked into the kitchen. I then sat down with my siblings and enjoyed a delicious meal of spicy buffalo wings and wedges. And to drink I had a strawberry milkshake (that tasted suspiciously like McDonald's). Then when I finished it I noticed that there was a little note on the bottom of the glass. It said;

'Thanks jerk -Nico'

It made me smile for some reason. Then I saw my sister Daisy, staring at me. She slide over a bit more so she could see the note.

"Who's it from?" She asked, grabbing it out of my fingers.

She started smirking, which didn't suit her in anyway.

"The Hades kid," she laughed "Oh little brother"

She then ruffled my shaggy hair.

"He's just a friend" I said way too fast, I took a deep breath and then added "I think he's straight anyway"

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