Nico's POV

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I was walking to campfire when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards them. I knew straight away that it wasn't Will, because he gave me electric currents down my spine. They pushed my against a wall and pinned my arms. I couldn't see their face, it was in the shadows. They then leaned in really close. I was scared, they pushed in in a way so I was hurt or anything.

"Hi Nico," they mumbled in a deep voice that sent shivers down my spine, "You look hotter every day"

I had clarified that it was a male, the voice was too deep for a girl. I started to get all clammy and nervous. Then the worst thing in my entire life happened, he kissed me. He then used his lips to push my head up. His lips were pressing down hard on my lips. My eyes were opened wide in shock and I then saw who it was. I kneed him and started running to my cabin. I burst through the door and locked it. My heart was pounding and I was breaking heavy. When he didn't knock on the door, I looked out the window. He wasn't there. I then ran to campfire and plonked down beside Will. I was gasping for air.

"You okay?" He asked slipping his hand under the back of my top his hand stroking all the little grooves in my spine.

"I'm fine, I just went for a ran" I replied.

Will's hand suddenly pulled away from my back, leaving a cold spot wanting his hands pressed against it. I then saw why, the seven and Calypso were coming over. They then sat down beside us.

"Hi Will" Calypso said to me she then turned to Will, "Hi Nico"

"Hi, I'm actually Will" He informed her.

She went bright red.

"Oh I'm so sorry" She apologized.

"It's fine" I said.

Will and them started talking about something I wasn't interested in. I then stopped hearing them. The guy from earlier just sat down on one of the logs. I felt sick. Not because he kissed me, because I liked it. I liked kissing Zach.

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