Nico's POV

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My head hit the floor and spinned a bit.

"Great he's here, now shoo" A voice said.

"But......we brought him here" Drew said.

"And I thank you, but I said scram" The voice hissed.

I heard muttering and the door shut. I was still lying on my stomach, so I couldn't see anything.

"Nico you can stand now," The voice said rather cheerfully "Nico?"

"Can I have some help?" I asked lifting my head.

"Oh, sure" A hand reached down and took mine.

They pulled me up and helped me not to fall flat on my face. I looked up and saw who it was weird. First I saw my first crush from all those years ago in Italy, then I saw Percy, then I saw Will. It was weird. And then it became a very pretty girl.

"Aphrodite? What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

What the hell did I just see? Aphrodite started smiling, she was pleased.

"Hi Nico, sorry about that," Aphrodite replied "I just had to make sure you came"

"For what exactly?" I asked, very scared.

"Well, isn't it obvious?," She asked "A magical makeover"

As soon as I heard that I went running. But the door locked and I couldn't move. I started floating in the air and drifted my way to the goddess in the room. She looked a bit pissed, but not to much. She sat me in a chair and started pulling my hair. I was terrified and I should have been. At the end I looked like a different person. It wasn't a good thing. She made my hair straighter than it was (I had no idea that was possible) and changed some of my clothes to pink. She even put eyeliner on me. EYELINER!!!!! I looked horrible and she reassured me I looked fine. I certainly did not look fine, all I could think was what was Will going to say......

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