Nico's POV

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Percy and Jason were ticking me off. First they dragged me into the woods and secondly they tried integrating me.

"So....." Jason hummed, "How is it going?"

"Seriously, that's how you start?" Percy asked, "That's pathetic Grace"

"Okay" I said, "I'm leaving"

But being the jerks they are they grabbed my arms and pulled me back. As soon as  they did that, Annabeth walk into the clearing.

"Hi Annabeth, can you get your idiot of a boyfriend and his friend to leave me alone?" I asked.

Annabeth turned to Percy.

"I thought he knew"

"We put a note under his door" Percy said.

"Okay, Nico we need to talk" Jason interrupted, "We're the only people who know about you being gay"

"Piper, I know your there and Jason I know you told her" I called to the trees.

Piper jumped down from one of the branches, Jason cushioned her fall a bit with the air around her. I knew that there was going to be an inappropriate speech from Percy, an appropriate speech from Annabeth, a supportive speech from Jason and Piper just smirking in the corner knowing who I like before I even know. So I just shadow travelled out of there and back to my cabin. I remembered that I had to help Will on making a banner for the party tonight. I trudged off to his cabin.

My Little SunshineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora