Nico's POV

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I was an idiot. A complete and utter idiot. I let Will walk me to my cabin. Nobody was around so I invited him in. And I as you guessed, not a good idea. I lied down on my bed and smiled at him.

"So........"Will dragged.

"Soooooooooo..................." I dragged even longer.

Will smirked. He liked it when I made a joke or was sarcastic. He liked that he saw me as me. Will walked over and kissed me on the lips. His hand slipped under my neck. I hands went to his waist, pulling him closer. I pulled off his wig and threw it away. It was ugly. Very, very ugly. I liked him blonde, not with black hair. I moved my hands under his top and started rubbing circles into his spine. Will let out a little moan. I stopped and then started pulling off his black tee. The one he wore the day we first kissed. At some point Will moved me so that we were both lying on our sides and kissing really hard. I didn't want this to end, but I was fourteen. I'm not cut out for this. I had to stop it at some time. But shockingly enough that was after my top and trousers were gone. I still had my underwear though and so did Will. I pulled away from the kiss and put my hand on Will's chest.

"We have to stop" I whispered.

"What do you mean?" Will asked putting pressure on my shoulder, making pur like a cat for some reason.

"I'm not losing my virginity at fourteen, not for anyone" I muttered.

Will looked at me. And smiled.

"You're the one that pulled off your shirt and pants. And you're hands guided mine to take mine off" He replied, "I didn't ask you or force you and I'll never in a million years do that"

I smiled at Will. I gave him a big, long, meaningful kiss.

"Stay for a few hours then go back to you're cabin" I said, "Just hug me for a bit"

Will nodded and kissed my forehead. He pulled me into a hug and held me until I fell asleep.

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