Will's POV

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A day later, I decided to visit my sister. I grabbed my bow and arrow (which looks like a backpack to mortals), Daisy's phone and her headphones from the cabin and set off. I got a taxi and the driver would not shut up. He kept asking who I was visiting in hospital and I just mumbled my sister, in attempt to shut him up. But then he asked why she was in there. I was starting to hate this guy. I just ignored him until I reached the hospital. I jumped out, payed him and walked on. I walked up to the desk and asked which room she was in. After getting lost three times I found her room. I pushed the door open, but stopped. There was someone already in her room and Daisy was snoring lightly from her bed.

"Uh.......hi" I said.

"Hello" She said

I didn't know the woman sitting there holding Daisy's hand.

"I'm Will, Daisy's brother and" I started but she cut me off.

"You are not her brother," She spat "Wait, your one her father's kids aren't you"

I just nodded, terrified of this woman spitting on his face.

"First he knocks up my sister, then disappears making my sister kill herself when Diana was ten, then I had to take the little bitch in, then she runs away, gets hospitalized and I find out that the man that caused this all has another God dam kid," The woman said far too close for comfort "You should leave"

"Not you should," Daisy replied from the bed "My Dad didn't kill my mum, you did with all the 'you have sinned' and 'give up the child or you're no longer my sister. And my name is Daisy, DON'T YOU EVER CALL DIANA. YOU CHANGED MY NAME, NOW GET OUT OF MY HOSPITAL ROOM"

The woman walked over to Daisy and slapped her.

"You awful little wrench, how dare you speak to me that way" she hissed.

"Nurse!!!!!!," Daisy screamed "Please get this woman out of my room"

Daisy's Aunt went to slap her again, but I grabbed her hand and pushed her away.

"Get out" I growled.

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