Will's POV

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"Sooooo, Nico?" Apollo asked.

'Oh no, not embarrassing Dad talk' I yelled in my head.

In my head I was falling into a pit of darkness and my Dad wasn't there. But in reality I was standing in the forest with a God that looked like my brother or cousin. I don't want any type of talk with my Dad about my love life. I can date any guy or girl I want.

"Don't even bother, Dad" I said walking away, but I banged into an invisible wall.

"Son," He said a little angry "We are talking about this"

"You know it's uncool to talk to your kids about love" I said turning around.

Apollo raised an eyebrow.

"Love? Who said anything about love" He asked.

'Crap' I muttered in my brain.

"All I was going to say was ask him out" He kept going, "Take him on a date or two"

"Like you did with my Mom?" I asked him.

Apollo sighed. I guess I must explain, my Mom and Dad never had a proper relationship.

"Son you deserve to be happy and Nico makes you happy. Even Hades thinks so" He said.

"Wait what?" I asked, " What do you mean?"

Apollo started moving uncomfortably.

"Ummmm, you see Aphrodite kinda made a show out of you two and ummm, all the gods watch it" He explained.

I took a moment to take it in.


"Yes Son?"

"I'm going to kill you all" I said walking away and over to the Hades cabin.

I opened the door and found a half naked Nico.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise" I muttered.

Nico turned around and went red. His hair was wet and he slipped on his top.

"Uh hi Will" Nico whispered.

He looked way to adorable, it was not reasonable.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked.

It took me a minute myself to realize what I said. Nico was a bit quiet for a few seconds. Then he nodded. I started smiling. I had a new boyfriend and so did Nico.

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