Will's POV

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I didn't want Nico to go, I know I sound selfish, because Reyna is poisoned and hanging on for life. But I want Nico back and  I don't want him to go away from me. Reyna needed him though, but it's what he wants to do and I'm not his boyfriend (yet, we're make out buddies). I just had to hope and pray that he'd stay. But as usual, luck was not at all on my side because Nico might move to CAMP JUPITER. I just stayed on my bed, if anyone asked me what was wrong I pulled my blanket over my head and ignored them. Then Daisy came along.

"I swear to all the gods in all the universes that if you don't stop skulking, I will tell Zach that you still like him" She threatened.

I sat up faster then I had in my life.

"Good," She then turned around to our siblings "Scram, private matter"

"I'm not leaving" One of the newbies said.

Daisy can be really scary and dark if she wants to. She turned that on and walked over to the kid. He practically wet his pants.

"I said scram, did I need to repeat myself?" She hissed.

The kid bolted out the door and the rest of our brothers and sisters walked out, not wanting Daisy's anger on them.

"Now spill" She said sitting down on my bed.

I told her everything. I was even a bit scared of her (only when she got angry). It felt good to tell her, I could trust her. After my jaw stopped moving, she was silent for a moment.

"OTP, you to are my otp" Daisy smiled.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"One true pairing, I can't believe I haven't told you that" She replied.

Daisy vents about (adio) book characters to me and explains terms to me. So I know how likes how, who she ships and who did the naughty.

"Perfect just perfect" I mumbled.

"Exactly" Daisy smiled.

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