Chapter 25

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The Potter household was abuzz with excitement as Harry's 3rd birthday celebration was underway. Mila had transformed the living room into a whimsical wonderland, with colorful decorations and a magnificent cake adorning the center table.

As the doorbell chimed, Mila hurriedly opened the door to welcome their guests. Molly Weasley, accompanied by her sons Ron, Fred, and George, entered with warm smiles on their faces. The Weasley twins immediately struck up a lively conversation with Cassie and Archie, while Ron's eyes widened in curiosity as he spotted Harry in James' arms.

Sirius and Remus arrived next, bringing their triplets Leo, Reggie, and Diana along. The triplets exchanged excited greetings with Cassie and Archie, thrilled to be reunited with their older sister. Peter, Crimson, and Archie followed closely behind, their presence completing the gathering.

Laughter and chatter filled the living room as everyone settled in. The children wasted no time engaging in games and sharing stories, their youthful exuberance filling the space with an air of delight. Mila, James, Sirius, and Remus watched on with joy, grateful for the bonds that had formed between their children and friends.

A hushed anticipation fell over the room as the time approached to blow out the candles on Harry's birthday cake. Cassie, Archie, and the triplets gathered around Harry, their smiles stretching from ear to ear. Together, they led the spirited rendition of "Happy Birthday," their voices blending harmoniously.

After signing Happy Birthday, everyone splits off to play.

Under the vibrant blue sky, Cassie, Archie, the triplets, and the Weasley twins gathered in the backyard, ready for an exhilarating game of Quidditch. Cassie, beaming with excitement, proudly donned her Seeker's robes, her eyes gleaming with determination.

Leo, Reggie, and Diana, their competitive spirits ignited, took their positions as Chasers, their tiny hands tightly gripping the Quaffle. With mischievous grins adorning their faces, Fred and George brandished their Beater's bats, eager to showcase their skills in keeping the Bludgers at bay. Archie positioned himself as the Keeper with unwavering focus, ready to guard the hoops with steadfast dedication.

The air buzzed with anticipation as the game commenced. Cassie soared through the air, her graceful movements guiding her toward the elusive Golden Snitch. The triplets, fueled by their sibling connection, expertly passed the Quaffle amongst themselves, skillfully dodging the Weasley twins' bludgeoning strikes. Archie, displaying impressive reflexes, defended the hoops with remarkable agility, blocking shot after shot.

Laughter and cheers echoed through the backyard as the game unfolded. Cassie's nimbleness and keen instincts made her a formidable Seeker, causing the onlookers to marvel at her talent. Leo, Reggie, and Diana weaved through the air, showcasing their synchronized teamwork and scoring goals with finesse. The Weasley twins, ever the entertainers, unleashed Bludgers with precision, sending them hurtling toward their opponents.

Inside the house, Ron and Harry played with a collection of colorful toys, their laughter mingling with the excitement from the Quidditch match. Harry, filled with awe, watched his older sister and her friends, his eyes wide with admiration. Fascinated by the toys, Ron let out delighted squeals as he immersed himself in his imaginative world.

As the sun began its descent, casting a golden glow over the backyard, the Quidditch match reached its thrilling climax. Cassie's persistence paid off as she caught the Golden Snitch, her triumph celebrated by cheers and applause. The triplets, having scored an impressive number of goals, were met with enthusiastic high-fives from their teammates. Fred and George, grinning mischievously, shared a knowing glance, satisfied with their lively performance. As the Keeper, Archie earned praise for his remarkable saves, leaving no doubt of his skills.

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