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It was a chilly autumn evening in the Gryffindor common room, and Sirius and Remus were snuggled up on the couch together. At the same time, James and Peter were deep in a game of wizard's chess. Archie and Cassie were nestled between them, cooing and gurgling contentedly.

Mila and Crimson were sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, chatting and giggling. Mila leaned in conspiratorially and whispered, "I never would have guessed we'd become such good friends. I mean, we're so different."

Crimson smiled. "I know, right? But I'm so glad we did. You're the best friend I've ever had."

Mila grinned. "You're mine too. And hey, we both have to put up with those clueless boys." She nodded toward James and Sirius, who were now arguing loudly about the chess game.

Crimson laughed. "At least we can commiserate together. And speaking of putting up with the boys, have you tried the fire whiskey yet?"

Mila shook her head. "No, I've been too scared. But you said it's not that bad?"

Crimson grinned mischievously. "It's not that bad if you like the taste of dragon fire. But I have a feeling you can handle it."

Mila shrugged. "Okay, why not?" She reached for the bottle, pouring herself a small glass. She took a sip, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh wow, that's strong."

Crimson laughed. "Told you." She sipped her glass, and they both giggled at the taste.

As they chatted and sipped their drinks, they couldn't help but notice how well Archie and Cassie were getting along. Cassie was babbling happily while Archie was trying to grab her little hand.

Mila smiled. "They're going to be best friends, just like us."

Crimson nodded. "Definitely. And we'll be there to protect them from those boys." They both laughed, knowing they would always have each other's backs.

As the night wore on, they continued to chat and laugh, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of the fire. And as they watched the babies sleeping peacefully, they knew their bond was unbreakable, and they would always be there for each other, no matter what.


It was Cassie's first birthday, and the Gryffindors were all excited to celebrate. Even Archie, who was only 9 months old, seemed to sense the excitement in the air.

"Are we going to Hogsmeade today?" Mila asked, bouncing Archie on her lap.

"Of course!" James replied. "We can't let Cassie's first birthday go by without a proper celebration."

They all bundled up warmly and headed out into the crisp November air. As they walked through the village, they admired the decorations that had been put up for the upcoming holidays.

"Look at that!" Sirius exclaimed, pointing to a giant inflatable snowman in the window of Honeydukes. "I think we should get that for the common room."

"Are you insane?" Remus laughed. "Where would we even put it?"

They made their way to the Three Broomsticks and settled in for a cozy lunch. Cassie cooed happily in her high chair while Archie gnawed on a teething toy.

After lunch, they wandered through the shops, making a quick stop at Zonko's to pick up some party favors for Cassie's birthday party later that night. They also visited Madam Puddifoot's for some hot cocoa and pastries.

As they returned to Hogwarts, the sun began to set, and the sky turned a beautiful shade of pink and orange.

"I think this has been the best birthday ever," Mila said, smiling at Cassie and Archie. "And it's not even over yet!"

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