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The warm morning sunlight gently streamed into the room, casting a soft glow on the sleeping figures of Fletcher and Lily. As the world outside stirred awake, Fletcher's eyes fluttered open, his heart still filled with the joy of the previous night's proposal.

With a tender smile, Fletcher reached over to the drawer beside his bed, knowing exactly what he was looking for. He carefully pulled out a small velvet box, feeling the weight of its significance in his hands. Slowly, he opened the box, revealing a dazzling diamond ring nestled within its plush cushion.

Taking a deep breath, Fletcher turned his gaze to Lily, her peaceful expression captivating him. He gently slid the ring from its resting place, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves coursing through his veins. Carefully, he took hold of Lily's left hand, her ring finger calling to him.

With gentle precision, Fletcher slid the ring onto Lily's finger, its shimmering brilliance symbolizing their love and commitment. As the ring settled into place, it was as if the universe recognized the moment's significance.

A soft sigh escaped Fletcher's lips as he admired the ring on Lily's finger, his heart swelling with a profound sense of gratitude and love. He couldn't help but marvel at how their journey had led them to this moment, where their futures were now intertwined in a tangible way.

Lily began to stir, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal eyes still filled with the haze of sleep. As her gaze met Fletcher's, she noticed the ring gracing her finger, and a gasp of delighted surprise escaped her lips.

"Fletcher... It's beautiful," she whispered, her voice filled with awe.

He leaned in, pressing a tender kiss against her forehead. "It's a symbol of my love for you, Lily. A promise to be by your side, through thick and thin, for all the days of our lives."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Lily wrapped her arms around Fletcher, pulling him into a tight embrace. They stayed like that for a while, cherishing the moment as the world outside continued its bustling pace, oblivious to the profound love that had just taken root within that humble room.

In that simple act of placing the ring on Lily's finger, Fletcher had solidified their commitment to one another. It was a symbol of their shared dreams, their unwavering support, and the deep connection they had forged. From that day forward, they would face life's joys and challenges together, with hearts entwined and a love that knew no bounds.


With smiles that radiated pure bliss, Fletcher and Lily left the comfort of their private sanctuary and made their way to the Slytherin common room. As they entered the bustling room, the air seemed to buzz with anticipation, but their presence commanded attention.

The Slytherins, their dear friends, and confidantes, noticed the radiant glow on Fletcher and Lily's faces, their eyes instantly drawn to the ring adorning Lily's finger. Whispers of curiosity filled the air, and the room fell into an expectant silence.

Fletcher took a deep breath, feeling an overwhelming surge of love and pride for the woman by his side. He reached out and gently intertwined his fingers with Lily's, a silent gesture of unity and shared excitement. Their friends' eyes widened with anticipation, awaiting the news that was about to be shared.

Lily's voice rang out, her tone filled with elation. "We have something to share with all of you. Last night, Fletcher proposed, and I said yes!"

A moment of stunned silence gripped the common room, followed by a collective eruption of cheers and applause. The Slytherins surrounded Fletcher and Lily, enveloping them in a joyous embrace. Laughter and well wishes filled the air as they congratulated the newly engaged couple.

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