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As the time came for Remus and Crimson to leave, everyone gathered to say their goodbyes. Remus gave Sirius a lingering kiss goodbye, holding onto him for a moment longer than necessary. Peter and Crimson exchanged a soft kiss, holding each other close before reluctantly letting go. Mila hugged Remus and Crimson, wishing them safe travels and a quick return.

James gave Remus a hearty pat on the back, "Good luck with the family, Moony!" he said with a grin, causing everyone to chuckle. Mia and Fleamont hugged Remus and Crimson tightly, wishing them a safe journey. Even Archie and Cassie waved goodbye to Remus and Crimson, not wanting them to go.

As Remus and Crimson made their way out the door, Mila turned to Sirius, "I can't believe they're leaving. It'll be so quiet without them."

Sirius wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "We'll manage. And they'll be back before we know it."

James nodded, "Yeah, and we've got each other. We'll keep each other company."

Mia piped up, "Speaking of company, when's Lily joining us?"

James takes the opportunity to pull his mother, Mia, aside. "Mum, I need to tell you something," he says, his tone serious.

Mia looks at him with concern. "What is it, dear?"

"Lily isn't coming to stay with us this holiday," James says, his expression downcast. "We aren't friends anymore."

Mia's face softens with sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear that, James. What happened?"

James hesitates, unsure of how much he wants to reveal. But he trusts his mother and decides to be honest. "We had a falling out. It's complicated."

Mia nods, understanding. "Well, I'm here for you if you ever want to talk about it."

"Thanks, Mum," James says, grateful for her support. "I'm just glad I have all of you to spend the holidays with."


Mila excitedly ushered everyone into her and James's shared bedroom. She closed the door behind them and sat on the bed, motioning for everyone else to do the same.

"I have a plan," she announced with a determined look.

"What is it?" Sirius asked, intrigued.

"I want to become an animagus," Mila said confidently.

Everyone looked at her in surprise, and James spoke up. "Why do you want to become an animagus?"

"Because I want to help Remus during his transformations," Mila explained. "If I can turn into an animal, I can help him better than anyone else."

"But that's really dangerous, Mila," Peter pointed out. "We don't even know how to become animagi."

Mila nodded, acknowledging Peter's concerns. "I know it's dangerous, but I'm willing to take the risk. And I've already been doing some research. There are some books in the library that I think will help us."

Excitement filled the room as Mila revealed her plan to become an animagus to help Remus during his werewolf transformations. Sirius, Peter, and James eagerly expressed their desire to join in on the endeavor.

"I've always wanted to become an animagus," Sirius exclaimed. "Imagine all the mischief we could get up to!"

Peter nodded in agreement. "And we could help Remus, too. That's even more important."

James, who had been quietly listening, spoke up. "I'm in, too. Anything to help Remus."

Mila beamed at them. "This is going to be amazing. We just have to make sure we're careful and don't get caught."

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