"This is a collection of the tastiest babes of 1988." Johnny informed him. "Not gonna get to see 'em unless you grab it."

"Why would he even need it? You do know there is this thing called the internet." I raised an eyebrow. 

"Can it, Sparky." Johnny glared at me. 

Miguel tried to reach up and grab it, but Johnny pulled it up higher. " Gonna have to try harder than that." 

"Liv Is right. I can just find these pictures on my phone." Miguel shrugged. 

"It's not the same. Chicks are hotter on the page." Johnny raised his eyebrows. 

Miguel shook his head, rolling his eyes. 

"You won't know unless you get off your butt." Johnny encouraged. "Or you can keep getting foot rubs from that pansy therapist." 

Miguel chuckled. "Alright." He tried to grab for the magazine again, but Johnny pulled it higher again. 

"Weak! That all you got, Diaz? I thought you were the All Valley Champ?" Johnny teased. 

Miguel had a determined look on his face. He pushed himself up from the Wheelchair and tried to grab for it. He ended up tipping the chair too far and he fell out of it, landing on the hard floor. 

"Holy shit, Miguel." I rushed to help him off the floor and helped him back into his wheelchair. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah." He sighed.

"All right. Gimme a minute, we'll go again." Johnny said from Behind Miguel. "I still have my Vanna White Playboy. That'll get you going." 

"Don't you get it?" Miguel said in a serious tone. "You could dangle a new Playstation, i still wouldn't be able to stand up." He wheeled away. 


Hawk texted me and told me to Go to Golf 'N stuff. He didn't tell me why, he just said to go there. 

So here I am, Terrorizing a bunch of kids with Hawk and a few of his goons. We stool some kid's tickets, and went to the counter Chris was working. 

"Hey, Buddy." Hawk slammed the tickets onto the counter. 

"Hey, prize wench." Shit Breath said. 

"What do you guys want?" He said with an annoyed look. 

"To do what any other person is here to do. Spend our hard-earned tickets." I shrugged. 

"Why don't you be a good girl and grab us a bobblehead." Hawk threw his arm around my shoulders. 

Chris walked away to grab a bobblehead. 

Hawk then Jumped across the counter, Throwing a bunch of prizes toward us. 

"Dont! Stop! Hey!" Chris yelled. 

"Thanks, Chris. Tell your mom I miss her." Shit breath yelled to Chris, running away. 

"Tell her to stop calling me, I have a girlfriend." Hawk caught up with me and threw his arm back around my shoulder, laughing. 

I'm All Yours- Eli "Hawk" MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now