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"It's cold."

Han bundled closer to me at the car we found was already waiting for us while I felt as if my soul was left on the plane and all I could ever do was muster a smile. I didn't believe my eyes, I even had to double back in case I took something accidentally from the food we ate back there, or maybe it was food poisoning--but I was not granted such luxury when I opened my eyes and I could almost see the corner of the box, on his pack, almost mocking me of its existence. I had such strong feelings about it, some that I couldn't point out, and it's driving me fucking crazy.

I gulped hard, taking my eyes off of it and darting on the window, trying to make myself believe that it's going to be okay. We're going to be okay.

And whatever that thing brings us, it's gonna have to be dealt with later. Because frankly, I wouldn't know what to make of it either. Sure, I thought about the possibility of settling down, but if that already had me frightened, what he has in his bag rendered me scared to death.

The car stopped right next to a headquarter that's all too familiar to me. "I'm starting to think we'll be joined by a certain--hulk." I mumbled, walking up towards the building where we were pointed by men in uniform towards the elevator and pushed to the highest floor. Han and I glanced at each other the minute the door closed, already having a sense of what's going to be beyond us. "Still think it's gonna be a quick job?"

Han rounded his arms around my shoulders, tugging me close. "Where's the trust, babe?" I didn't have any on the job, but he sure had a way of making my stomach feel like it's getting eaten by worms.

"There better be a billion on the other end of this." Han laughed as the doors drew wide open to a space far too big enough that it can fit cars at every corner. It was unfinished, almost like a forgotten basement, but at the far end of the hall was an overlooking window of London's finest. Equipment littered every corner, guns on tables as if they're just little playthings, and Brian, welcoming me with arms wide open.

"There's my favorite redhead!" I rolled my eyes but was enveloped in his arms, noticing how the year has completely changed Brian into a different kind of person. His beard grew longer, his physique was bigger than the last time I saw him, and his eyes had a familiar depth to them that I'd only seen from Dom before.

"I never thought I'd be seeing your stupid grin again." Brian chuckled, just as he and Han clasp their hand together. "How's Mia and Jack? Did he get the RX-7 we customized for him or are you still trying to convert him to your sucky skyline?"

"That's not fair!" He said in between laughing and feigning surprise. "They're great, and yes, he got it. But Dom's already lined him up to inherit that damn muscle." I shook my head on the way, spotting a man afar that's already brooding at ten in the morning.

"You made it." Dom said, standing by the window where I followed suit and sighed.

"You better have a good reason for dragging me somewhere cold this time and activating my fight or flight." I turned and saw him smirking, holding my arms up for an embrace which he received like it's ever so normal for us. To be fair, I did miss them a whole lot. "You'll tell me if Hobbs is holding a gun over your head for this, right?"

Dom shook his head, staring far into the horizon. London is truly a nice place, what a shame we're here to ruin another country's entire ecosystem. At times I'm starting to think we're the bane of every authority's existence, we don't exactly make it easy to tolerate us. "It's different." He said rather grimly, making me more nervous that I decided to step away and let him brood on his own before I completely lose my shit.

"Hey, red." Brian called at a table on the left, raising a semi-auto which made me a bit positive we're at least gonna have something to defend ourselves with. Our last job didn't call for brawns and gunfights so this ease me into doing it a bit more.

RUSH ― han lueWhere stories live. Discover now