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"One more minute."

"It's not very polite to be late for a job, you know?"

"The party doesn't start until a half hour more."

"I know, but then again, we wouldn't want Santos and Leo to come knocking again while we're in the middle of—Han!" In his half-naked and sleepy state, the man snatched me by the waist and held me down on the bed, burying his head around my neck to which I tried squirming out off, though that did nothing for me so I sighed and let it be, knowing it was futile and it was my favorite position anyway. "I just showered." I murmured, hearing him groan while burying himself deeper, his lips deliberately planting ticklish kisses.

"But I love you like this." Damn it. "With less clothes." I ignored his remark and bit my tongue, knowing Han has been, quite passively, trying to incorporate the 'love' word in everything he says and does. It was a conversation I wasn't ready to deal with right now, not when there are still obvious things that we have to fix and do and think about. Sure, I feel it. Sure, it never left. But after today, when we finish what we came here for, there's a nagging feeling at the back of my head that knows he might leave again. Because if I was taking into account the reason he left before—well, we're going to deal with bigger monsters this time around, who knows what he does next? Still, I'm trying to get rid of thinking too much, and just enjoy the time left as much as I can. However hard it may be when he's like this.

"Come on, we gotta go." I pulled us off the bed, bringing him up as soon as I did and uncovering his totally naked body so we could finally leave. He knows I don't like being late to things, but he also knows how to push my buttons even more. "Get on with it or I'm calling Tweedledum and Tweedledoo to deal with you." Han looked at me all weird and annoyed before jumping out of bed and sneaking a quick kiss.

"Good morning to you, too, babe."

I just know it's gonna hurt. I just know.


There's nothing like it than the vicious Dominican Republic summer heat.

I've been here for a month and still, even donned with a thin strapped top, short shorts, and windows rolled down, I was still sweating like a pig and I would love it if we got over this very fast. At this point in my life, I had thought to be drowning in money without much care in the world. Not in the middle of a goddamn desert, putting my life on the line of fire, all the while sharing popcorn with the man beside me as if we're just watching a movie. Han must've felt the way I was looking at him when he glanced for a quick second and held my knees with his free hand. He squeezed it reassuringly but all it did was warm me up and make my chest explode. "You good?" I nodded when he asked.

"Never better." I wasn't nervous in any way for our mission, we've worked on it so hard the past few weeks. In fact, I was more on the edge for what will happen after.

"All right, we're good to go." Dom's voice reverberated on the walkie-talkie just at the same time as Letty climbed out of the car from the window and found her footing at the hood of the vehicle. "Everyone in position."

"l thought we'd be robbing banks by now, not some gas truck in the middle of nowhere." Han quipped back, making me laugh.

"You'd be gunned down the minute you step foot on one, Han Lue." I murmured that he chuckled.

"Down here, gas is gold, bubba!" Letty blurted on the talkie even if she's quite literally in a dangerous position. I admired her confidence and balance, truly.

RUSH ― han lueWhere stories live. Discover now