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For some reason, Dom loves getting into trouble in the midst of summer heat.

I guess it beats driving in the rain or trying to play hide and seek in the snow. But it still didn't warrant him any forgiveness when this time, I was instructed to go to a place that was so far from the airport my pockets were close to bleeding when I got there and found it to be an old abandoned warehouse. The taxi driver looked at me weirdly but a few more cash had him looking the other way and driving far, leaving me in silence while I walked inside and hoped the building doesn't crash me to bits.

There were a few voices echoing inside that I turned on where it's mostly coming from and relied not to get lost at all these confusing ways.

"I was wondering when you'd turn up." The voice that haunts my dream has taken over my reality and I was afraid to look—far too afraid to deal with what's coming next as soon as I whipped my head back and look in his eyes. "Is that what I get? Silent treatment?" I heard him huff, walking ahead of me without turning which I was grateful for. I didn't think either of us is ready for that, yet.

He led the short way to the building where the group was already set up. A lot of familiar faces, weapons for days, and Han finally facing me with a look in his eyes that I couldn't place. "There she is!" Brian saw me first and hurried for the kind of embrace that almost lifted me off the ground. It's been so long since I've been with the rest of us and I was more than glad to be here with them today, taking off the nerve from the pair of eyes still burning at the side of my head. "Where have you been, red?!" Mia hugged me next, and then an apologetic Tej who squeezed my hand on his way while the two folks with stories for days have begun talking in front of me. I never did learn the language but I was excited to see Santos and Leo again. The last I've seen any of them was months, years, some were faces that I was left wary of. Specifically, Han, and the other guy eyeing me like fresh meat in a fucking buffet.

"I thought you ran away to the other side of the globe." Dom strolled in, and this time, I knew he meant business. There was something different about him that I wasn't entirely sure I want to find out. Ever since... Letty, he's been more frightening. Dangerous. Empty. Her death shook us all with rage and until now, I could still feel it. The same with the regret that I left and couldn't keep my promise to her, that I'll be seeing her again.

"Well, you know me, I loooove being in danger with all of you." I say sarcastically as he held me in the same familiar embrace.

"Glad you came back." He murmured, knowing what he meant by it.

"It's still an internal struggle." I whispered as he stepped back and glanced sideways to the devil in topic that's currently in conversation with the twins that from the way of the conversation, were talking about me when my name blared from Leo's mouth. I tried to ignore it as much as I can while I asked Mia how she was fairing with Brian and Dom for months.

"I've almost forgotten what it's like to be a woman."

"Trust me, I've been there and it's not pretty." She laughs, noticing eyes poking at the back of my head that I finally turned, "And you," I said to the man grinning widely at me still, "have to stop doing that."

"Don't mind my silly little friend." Brian said, holding the man close, "He's Roman Pearce, and he'll be a nice puppy, or else he'll get shot in his stinky butt, right?" His smile went away, making Brian laugh as I made my way over to the table with a map laid out. "So, who do we have to steal from and why?" I knew right then it was going to be another gold mine when I found pin marks closely lined up, and the label 'cash house' was a pretty dead giveaway.

"His name is Hernan Reyes, and he'll be funding my new house, of course." I tried to look for the hint of joke but when Mia only smiled, she meant it. And that gave me the idea that we're probably stealing for our freedom this time around.

RUSH ― han lueWhere stories live. Discover now