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"Are you sure we should be doing this? Because for me, personally, I haven't broken a man out of prison ever in my life. And it doesn't sound like such a delight."

Days passed by and for the first time in a few weeks of being here, Dom finally gave us good news about our upcoming job. We were finally doing something other than stare at each other at lunch, engage in awkward small talks where we basically talk about nothing at all, and sleep. Some other days, Dom kept me busy by letting me help fix his car, some days... well, they were spent with Han being around while we go to town on food runs or if I badly needed some escape.

We've never ventured far from what we talked about that night. More that I was trying my best to remain civil with him, while actively stopping myself from making any bad decision. Surprisingly, Han was good with the silent agreement and we've stayed... okay to this day, while we're shopping with Dom for a few supplies, making sure we all dressed as warmly and inconspicuously as ever. "What do we even do if they whip out the big stuff?" I moaned about, the only thing that's keeping me alive is not shutting my mouth off for more than a minute. I guess it was my way of coping with things that are out of my control. For example, Han closing in our distance when he dropped the things he got on the cart I was in charge of pushing.

"You drive. Fast." Dom smirked that I merely huffed, while the other guy beside me cracked a smile.

"Wouldn't be much of an obvious statement if we had faster cars." Han said as we rounded the corner and Dom dropped a few more things, looking at us as if we've asked him why humanity exists.

"Don't worry," He said, brushing us off as we went our way towards the counter with a man looking at us quite suspiciously. I smiled at him, which he ignored as he started scanning, "Your truck will be ready in a few days."

What did he just—"Truck?! Did he just—"

I did not like his smirk, at all. "Or half of it."

I looked at Han and he was equally bewildered by the fact. Come to think of it, I never did ask about how we're going for the gold. I imagined we were going to some place to retrieve it and disappear—but it never occurred to me that Dom played this one off too easy than he should have. I trust the man, I really do, but his methods are borderline insanity and I knew to be more than ready for his crazy ideas.

That's why I borrowed his car tonight.

It's been a while since I've driven with a mission in mind. Back in Miami, I didn't touch races unless it was absolutely necessary, or if Suki wanted me to try her new upgrades. Apart from that, I stayed on the sidelines, happy to watch my friends gain or lose cars, among other things, in stupid bets. I guess it was mainly because I couldn't satiate this unmoving thirst I could feel at the end of the line. A part of me needed more than this, needed more than the validation of winning, more than the satisfaction of seeing kids throw tantrums over losing a lot of money. Maybe that's why I'm here. Halfway around the world, preparing to find out what the other end holds for me.

"What are you—" I wasn't able to continue when Han hopped in, holding the pack of cigarettes I bought this morning together with a few snacks, looking at me with a wicked grin. He placed himself like I asked him to be here, and at this point, I was beginning to question being civil with him.

"You forgot your cigarettes."

"And you and your snacks are inside because?"

"Because you need someone to take you to the races. I doubt you know where it is and I also doubt you know how the scene works here, judging by—" Han stopped midway through his sentence when he really, really looked at me up and down, at what I was wearing. In my defense, I was expecting wherever the scene is to be incredibly hot. I'd be sweating profusely if I hadn't thought to wear something with less fabric to cover my entire body.

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