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"Rise and shine."

My breakfast was cigarettes and coffee the minute I opened my eyes and saw our previously almost empty space now filled with everything we needed for the mission. Car littered our driveway, guns everywhere I looked, and all of us were in the heaviest mood since I woke up. It had something to do with slight hangovers from last night's cheap beer, but it was also the biggest day of our lives and it has to go smoothly.

Until, Santos called me to help out with the van. "Of course, something has to go wrong like the usual." I mumbled, coming over without a second's waste and had a look. It didn't pick up the first few times he tried starting it so I began tinkering out possibilities and have been deaf from the world the entire time until I felt arms around my waist and Han, placing a calming kiss at my temple. "What's going on?"

"I think the van can smell that Santos is freaking out." My hands were all grimy and I'm not in the other clothes for the job just yet. It was not a pretty great start to the day.

"Need any help?" I darted at him to shake my head but stopped midway when I realized he was wearing a police uniform. Least to say, I was both very amused and nearly breaking a laugh. "I like the fit."

"You like men in uniform, huh?" I rolled my eyes, shoving him lightly with my elbow as I continue what I'm doing. Groaning under pressure while Han made sure to hand me my coffee from time to time.

"Still not workin'?" Dom said when he finally came over, holding a print in his hand while Vince was behind him, closing in where I was, already frustrated to hell.

"No. But I got it." I said, sighing when I roamed my eyes and saw that everything is smooth sailing whilst this was the only problem holding everyone up. "Dom, we're wasting a lot of time by waiting. I think the rest can go and wait for the signal. They can use the Nissan to carry some of the things instead. You're not gonna need me until last." I was supposed to be the one driving the van with Leo and Santos to get to our planned location but as it was with cars, it can smell fear and it breaks down the minute you need it the most.

"I'll help." Vince volunteered, not needing me to answer when he ducked down the hood and began looking for the problem.

"Alright." Dom said, "But I need you outta here in 30 minutes." He walked away and I handed over the keys to Santos where they began moving some of the things they need into the trunk of the car.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Han muttered while I took a minute of rest and let Vince take a look at it.

"Yeah. I'm going to be fine right here, Han. It's gonna work." I glanced at him hopefully.

Han caught on the way I was looking at him and he cupped my face with warm hands and placed a gentle kiss at the top of my head. "Berlin first." I smiled, ecstatic at the idea of escape and freedom at the tip of our fingers.

"Hobbs is on the other side of the city. We're not going to get a better window." Mia said, turning to us where everyone stopped what they were doing and began packing up. It changed the energy in the room and at that moment, I knew, whatever happens, happens, for all of our dreams.

"Okay, guys, it's show time. First team in position, let's go!"

The team found their bearings and got the cars all lined up to go. I helped Han to get his things and when I handed him the last pack, he pulled me by the arm and kissed me, only so shortly than I would've wanted but time is running and he had to go first. "I love you, red." I smiled and watch him enter the car and start the engine, "See you there."

Everyone began leaving one by one until there's only me, Dom, Brian, and Mia on her screen to keep watch and Vince who was missing from the hood. I heaved, walking back to the station to yell. "Hey? Vince, where the hell are y—" The car purred back to life and I saw him come out of the driver's seat smiling ear to ear, obviously very amused with himself.

RUSH ― han lueTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang