Promotional Event

Começar do início

But aren't they being unfair? After all, it was their insatiable hunger for perfection that led me down this path. If I didn't deliver exactly what they wanted, their support would waver and they would move on to the next shiny thing. None of them really wanted me to be human.

I was meant to be a consummate professional. Every movement meticulously practiced in front of the mirror, measured down to the millimeter. The width of my eyes, the angle of my mouth—every detail calculated to perfection. I meticulously crafted the smile that everyone adored.

Yet, it seemed that some astute individuals could see beyond the mask I wore. They sensed the artifice, the facade that I projected to the world. It was disheartening, to say the least.

In that moment, my thoughts drifted to my son, Aikara. Unlike me, he possessed a radiant smile that emanated from the depths of his heart. His expressions were never calculated or rehearsed. He didn't need to wear a mask or calculate his every move because his authenticity shone through effortlessly.

Somewhere deep within, a twinge of envy flickered. If only I could possess a fraction of his genuine personality, perhaps I wouldn't have to rely on calculated smiles or deceive my beloved fans. Aikara's natural disposition would be more than enough to captivate their hearts.

Unlike my son, who embodied honesty and sincerity, I was nothing but a fabrication—a collection of lies woven together to create a manufactured persona.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of baby voices.

"Goo-goo! Ga-ga! Goo-goo!"

I turn to locate the source and find Ruby and Aqua sitting in their cribs, performing an otagei routine with remarkable precision. Meanwhile, Aikara sits there, captivated and amazed by Ruby and Aqua's actions, before breaking into a radiant smile.

Rather than questioning why they are here, my mind is consumed by a single thought.

My children are so cuuuute!

Unbeknownst to me, a radiant smile escaped my lips, as if breaking free from the chains of my carefully constructed idol persona. It was a moment of authenticity, a rare glimpse of my true emotions that had remained concealed throughout my entire career. For the first time, I allowed myself to openly express my genuine feelings, and it was all thanks to my babies.


(third POV)

"Retweeted 210,000 times. Even the reposted video has two million views," Mikyako murmured, her voice filled with nervousness as she found herself surrounded by Saitou, Ai, Aqua, Ruby, and Aikara. The perspiration dripped down her forehead, a testament to the anxiety building up within her. She was acutely aware of the inevitable consequences that awaited her.

"I understand that baby content tends to gain popularity easily, but this..." she attempted to voice her concern, but her words were abruptly cut off when Saitou seized her arm and forcefully pulled her out of the room.

"Come with me," he demanded, his tone laced with authority.

Meanwhile, as Saitou sternly lectured Miyako, Ai discreetly retrieved her phone from her pocket and eagerly scrolled through the comments. She couldn't resist the temptation to see how people were reacting to the video.

"What's her name?" one user wondered.

"Did Ai smile like this? My impression of her changed," another comment read.

"Typical troublesome otakus," someone muttered.

As Ai delved further into the comments, her eyes widened with excitement when she stumbled upon a familiar username—the same person who had previously slandered her just hours ago. 

This is it! This!

Reading the comment, a massive grin spread across her face, illuminating her with delight. "So this is what you want." she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. She playfully placed a finger on her lips. "Now, I finally understand."


Author's Note

End of the chapter, I know it's super late, and I'm sorry about that. I had some problems to deal with.

Now, regarding the slow pace, I decided to not fasten the pace that much. It's because I got a dm from someone regarding my story in Wattpad, they said that they were just looking for something new to read and saw my fanfiction, and he said that he enjoyed it a lot even though he didn't watch Oshi no ko, and he told me he might watch it soon.

It got me thinking and I decided I want my fanfiction to be as friendly as possible to people who don't have any knowledge of Oshi no Ko. So if you reading some scenes in the manga, just tune it out in your head and skip it. 

Now that I'm done addressing that, let's talk about the chapter.

It's pretty ironic you know, Ai and Aikara both eny each other because both of them are envious of the other personality while their's is an act. 

And while I think this is a pretty dull chapter, the future chapters won't be.

Anyway, there is one more chapter before the 1 year timeskip but don't think I'm dragging things out, it's an important plot point.

That's all, bye!

Actor(Oshi no ko)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora