"Sam!" Paul called over Katherine's screams. "It's the Clearwater's. Both Seth and Leah shifted."

"Take care of it, I can't leave Katherine," Sam called back.

Before Paul could leave a sandy colored wolf stepped out from the woods. He slowly walked forward causing Embry to shift and stand protectively in front of Katherine. She looked over at the new wolf. Their eyes met and the wind stopped, her pain stopped. It was like everything changed before anyone could blink. Embry began growling at the wolf. He wanted to attack him but it was like his feet were rooted in place.

What's happening?

"You're okay," Katherine said as she stood up. She began walking towards the young wolf.

Kit, it's dangerous-

"Shut up Embry," Katherine cut him off as she walked past him.

"Katherine, he could hurt you," Sam warned.

"He wont," Katherine stated.

"How do you know? He doesn't know what he is," Sam said.

"Because, he'll listen to me," Katherine got close to the young wolf. "Won't you." The wolf nodded. "Help him, Sam. He's calm. After go help Leah. I'll stay with Seth. Take Embry with you."


"How do you feel?" Katherine asked as she looked over at Seth.

"Weird," Seth shook his head. "What was that when I looked at you?"

"It's called imprinting. It's something wolf's do," Katherine explained looking away. Embry came into the house and pulled Seth from his seat. Katherine quickly got up and pushed herself between the two and protected Seth. "Leave him alone."

"Seriously. He imprinted on you," Embry spoke with anger lacing his every word.

"So? We aren't together. You made sure of that," Katherine pushed Embry.

"That's not fair," Embry said.

"Neither is what you did to me. Leave Seth alone. If you hurt him I'll hurt you," Katherine threatened.

"Enough, both of you. Seth go home. Sue is worried about you," Sam said as he walked into his house.

"I'll walk you. My dad is probably there anyway," Katherine took Seth's hand and dragged him out of the house.

"Wait, what about Leah," Seth asked as he followed Katherine.

"She isn't taking it as well as you are. She'll be fine eventually," Katherine assured him.


"So you're just going to forgive him?" Katherine asked as she sat on Bella's bed.

"You wouldn't understand," Bella scoffed.

"You're right, I don't understand why you're so ready to give up your life to be a bloodsucker," Katherine scoffed.

"How did you?" Bella stopped. "Jake?"

"Sorta. Doesn't matter though. You know what this is gonna do to dad? Or what about mom?" Katherine asked.

"It doesn't matter, Kit. I'm not changing my mind," Bella shook her head.

"Great I'm glad you don't care about our parents. Just know that you doing this will cause a line to be drawn between us. I stand with the wolves, Bella," Katherine said before her phone went off. She looked at the caller ID before answering. "Yeah?" She paused listening to the other end of the call. "Is he okay?" Bella shook her head before rolling her eyes. "I'll be there soon. Tell Leah not to worry." Katherine hung up the phone. "I have to go."

"I don't want you to hate me," Bella said before Katherine could leave the room.

Katherine sighed, "I don't hate you, Bella. I hate what you're doing and what you're going to do. I'm going to be left cleaning up your mess. Like I have been since you left to bring the Cullens back."

"What does that mean?" Bella questioned.

"Who do you think has been there for Jacob?" Katherine asked. "I can't stand being around Embry, yet I've been spending time with him to cheer up Jake or at least take his mind off of everything. You broke his heart, Bella. He deserves better."

Katherine left her sisters room. Bella stood thinking about what the younger Swan said. The guilt began eating at Bella. What her father would say to her later would only further her guilt.


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