King Of the Flowers

Start from the beginning

"I struggled to find sleep last night is all," It wasn't a lie, I didn't sleep at all. Between my midnight dance with Robb, to finding out the Cersei is having an affair behind Robert's back and that her children are not fathered by him, to the nightmare that woke me into a pool of my own sweat.

Renly nodded. "Ah, good." He then smacked his lips together and shook his head. "Not good that you could not find sleep- but good that something is not bothering you."

I laughed slightly and took a bite from the lemon cake. Feeling it getting stuck as I tried to swallow and then chasing it down with my tea. The idea of another sip of wine horrified me. I still looked at it and could only see blood.

"I wanted to tell you privately the good news." Renly's cheeks reddened and he shifted himself in his chair. Uncrossing his legs and leaning across the table. I waited patiently for him to speak again. "I will be getting married."

"To what?" I asked confused. "Surely you don't mean-"

"Gods no!" Renly hissed. "We can't actually marry Alana; we are in Westeros not the Free Cities!"

"Then who?" I asked.

If Renly couldn't marry his lover, Loras Tyrell, then who else out there would he want to wed? I stared at him and could see the way he began to pick at his lips with his fingers. Chewing slightly at his nails before composing himself again.

"The Lady Margaery of House Tyrell." Renly replied. "And her brother, Ser Loras would be our sworn protector. Living in Dragonstone with us."

"Aye, I see." I smiled. "Brilliant choice."

Renly nodded like a child who had been given a crate of sweets. "Isn't it? I believe it is a perfect match. And she is aware of certain routines that will be taking place from time to time. As long as we squeeze out a few heirs, no one will know."

"Speaking of heirs." I said softly. "I need to tell you something but you must swear to never utter a word of it to anyone."

He stiffened and paused. "Alana, are you-"

"No." I shouted at him. Servants nearly dropping their trays to the stone floor as I shouted. I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts.

The servant boy came over and brought cheese and black bread. He stood there for a moment gathering finished plates and cups as cleaning up quickly as we began our next course. I gave a quick glance from the corner of my eye and didn't utter another word.

"So, what of heirs are you speaking of?" Renly asked.

"Not. Now." I grit furiously through my teeth, then turning to the boy. "Leave us. Do not return unless we send for you. I wish to speak freely with my brother without the ears of a peasant pretending to be royal listening."

"Alana!" Renly hissed at me. "Apologize to the boy!"

"No." I shrugged. "Leave us." I said again.

The boy scurried off and Renly scoffed at me. Shaking his head in disapproval. "What is the matter with you? You never, and I mean, NEVER, have acted like this before to anyone around the Red Keep!"

"Do you wish to know what I know, Renly? Or shall I keep this vital information to myself." I crossed my arms.

Renly huffed and sipped his wine, before long he had reached again for filled his cup, drinking that too. He shrugged at me and tilted his head. "Well? I'm waiting." He grunted.

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now