She Knows

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She Knows

Cersei's POV


(If SMUT is not for you, please skip over Cersei and Ned's interaction, although you will miss out on some vital information.)

Lord Varys smells strongly of funeral flowers and it makes my stomach turn to even be near him. I only suffer through it for the information he brings me. Since the day I moved to King's Landing I had been warned by my father to gather all the spies and allies I could within the court. Varys was the first of the many spies that I've gained during my time here.

"Your Grace," Varys said with a bow. "I have many of reports for you."

"Such as?" I clicked my tongue as I motioned my hand for him to sit and join me in my chambers.

"Thank you, Your Grace." Lord Varys replied. "Well for starters there will be a new baby to be born in just a few moons."

"Lady Stark?" I asked. "Or did Tyrion knock up that whore?"

Varys smirked and shook his head. "Better... Juicer than that."

My heart sank. "No," I replied. "No, she can't be that stupid. She can't be like me-"

"Aye, Your Grace. But she is." Varys said. "Alana Baratheon is with child and is due within the next 6 or 7 moons."

"Robb Stark is the father, I assume?" I felt blank.

Empty. Worthless. Had I taught the girl nothing? From the time she was a small girl she always looked up to me. I tried my best to show her what a good life was, I tried to be the mother that she had ripped away from her the moment she was born, she did not ask to be thrown here in King's Landing... But I took her in anyway.

Now... She's me all over again and she does not even know it. In love with one of the Starks and expecting his bastard child. I wanted to hug her and yet I also wanted to smack her upside the head for what she's done to herself.

Not even just herself. But to her child and Robb Stark.

Varys smiled. "He will be delighted."

"Perhaps the Young Wolf will be... But what of Robert Baratheon? What of Ned? He is to be a grandfather and has no idea-"

"There is more for you and your lover to worry about right now." Varys added. "Alana knows of your children. Including Jon Snow."

I gagged and covered my mouth with my hand as I gasped for air softly. I was going to collapse. Going to be sick. Going to die. The room was spinning and yet- and yet it was frozen. Alana knew... But how... How could she have found out?


"Your brother." Varys tapped the table top. "Seems to me like Jaime Lannister would do and say anything to be with Lady Alana Baratheon, including divulge in his sister's sins, bringing them to the daylight. It was fairly simple for me to weasel it out of her, I wonder... Who else will weasel the information out of her... Maybe Robert?"

I drained a cup of wine down my throat quickly, not even getting a taste for it at how quickly I chugged it, slurping it down. Wiping my mouth with my sleeve, I stared at Varys as the rage boiled inside of me.

"Alana is dangerous now. Her pregnancy will make her change in more ways than others. If you do anything in the slightest to upset her she easily could run to Robert and reveal that you have 4 bastard children-"

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now