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Alana's POV


"You can not do this!" Robb hissed at me. His eyes like knives as they stared into me, stabbing me deep in my soul. He was hurting, I understand that. But there was no reason for us to be having this argument right now. It was what needed to be done.

I argued back, "I must go!"

Robb shook his head and seethed with rage. He did not mean to take it out on me, I know he didn't but because I am the only person he can be himself with I had to endure his many emotions.

"This is insanity! Highgarden? With Jaime Lannister! That lion is trying to sink his claws into you and you are falling prey to him!" Robb ran his fingers through the stubble that had grown on his chin and cheeks. Auburn just as his curls sitting atop his head were.

"Robert denied you and I to wed what am I supposed to do? Tell me Robb, do I stay here and allow for my belly to continue swelling right under my brother's nose... Or do I give our child his best chance by going to Highgarden and having a safe delivery there? Where the Tyrells will love and care for us. All of us." I explained.

He looked away from me and sniffed in a deep breath through his nose. I could see his eyes turning red and cheeks becoming blotchy, he was trying not to cry. I did not blame him for feeling this way, I too was angry and full of sorrow. But Robert made his decision.

I was to wed Jaime Lannister as soon as I return home from Highgarden.

"We get a ship tonight-"

"And you think that Robert wouldn't see the damn army after us? He'd claim you'd kidnapped me just as Rhaegar Targaryen did to your aunt Lyanna! You should know better Robb; my brother will not stop until everyone bends at his whim and the world obeys his every order. Starting with you and I not being allowed to wed."

Robb blinked and tears fell from his eyes. He held his breath and still would not look at me. It pained him. Something he forgot though was that it pained me too. It pained me so badly to have to sit here and pretend that all was well. Because all was not well.

"Rhaegar didn't kidnap Lyanna." Robb whispered. "Father told me the truth... He and Lyanna were in love and they wed behind Robert's back. She died from a flu as she awaited for Rhaegar's return from the war. Father was by her side when she passed and she told him all of it. Now I am telling it to you."

"My brother's rebellion-"

"Was started because of a lie. A lie told by both Rhaegar and Lyanna to protect themselves. They thought they were doing the right thing. Whoever gave Robert the impression that Lyanna was kidnapped lied to him. All of it was a lie." Robb breathed out through his mouth and then continued. "I will not allow for Robert to believe that the same thing happened between you and I. I will not sit back in a hidden cottage across the Narrow Sea and hope that one day an assassin is not bursting through our door to kill me and take you back to Westeros. I can not do that, Alana. I cannot."

His breathing was slowed but heavy. Robb's chest was puffing up and down as he tried to control himself and control his feelings. Holding in whatever else he could. I wanted to calm him down. Kiss him and tell him it was alright. Assure him that that would never in a million years happen but I could not fill his head with lies.

Robert would chase us down and he'd parade Robb's head on a spike through all of Westeros for all to see so long as it meant I'd never be able to be with Robb.

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now